Lost Diamond Ring in yard, Port Orange, Florida....Found!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Thousands of people across this great land drop things every day in their yards!   Some of those things are found and many are never recovered.  People often move to another house, sometimes across town and other times to another state.  And yet those lost items remain hidden in the ground waiting for someone else to find them.

Nancy had lost a very special ring in her front yard months earlier and now was in the process of moving out.  The very thought of never seeing her precious family heirloom again drove her to search for someone who could help her find this unique platinum and diamond ring that was handed down from her great grand mother.

As I listened to Nancy’s story I figured the ring should be fairly easy to find, so we set up a time to meet and do a thorough search.  Nancy showed me the area of the yard where the ring was lost and as soon as I started searching my detector began giving off all sorts of noise.  I tried two other search modes and still there was lots of static and interferrence of some kind.  I finally switched to the Prospecting mode and in 5 minutes I got a sweet low signal and there 3 inches under the grass was Nancy’s beautiful ring!

Do you know where you have lost something a long time ago or maybe even recently?   I am here to help!

E-mail me or give me a call!

Mike McInroe–Grateful member of theringfinders.comDSC00768DSC00771


2 Replies to “Lost Diamond Ring in yard, Port Orange, Florida….Found!”

  1. Chris Turner says:

    Great recovery Mike! What a great smile you found…Way to go!

    1. Mike McInroe says:

      Thanks Chris! Always a pleasure making people smile!

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