Lost Diamond & Sapphire Wedding Ring Found & Returned Wrightsville Beach NC

  • from Hillsborough (North Carolina, United States)

This ring was found and returned at Wrightsville beach NC on 7-16-2023.

On 6-24-2023 I received a message from a fellow detectorist friend Paulie Desarno who lives at the beach about a post he saw on the beach about a lost ring reported lost in the tide. As metal detectorist we love helping people if we can. This post however was very specific which could be good for the the lady who lost the ring or very bad. The reason it was good was it could increase her chance of getting it back quickly if the right person recovered it. The bad thing was it included to much information in the public post which could result in every detectorist in the area flocking there that might find it and keep it. Not everyone is honest. My advice is as soon as you loose something to mark the area and call a professional immediately to help .

Anyway getting to the story. I decided to search for the ring to help return it. I searched the dry all through the night to eliminate that area first and the next morning I was still there working the low tide when a friend of the lady came on the beach and we spoke about the ring. She explained her friend was a little further out in waist deep water when it was lost. This was helpful information because I wanted to find this ring before the wrong person did that might not return it. I searched longer but couldn’t recover it. I decided to keep coming back to look even though I new the ring could have been found by someone else already but being that the ring was in the water there still was a chance no one found it. I made the trip several times over the next several days continuing to focus on the area of interest at low tide with the hope of finding it. After several days of searching I was further out in the water in about 5 feet of water on a sand bar when I got the signal. I was just using my detector and snorkel at this point when I went under to retrieve it. It was a ring fitting the description. I notified confirmed and returned the ring. This was not a easy search since it took a few weeks and at one point was a king tide which could of took the ring away. Several days looking, and over 72 hours of combined searching. The ring was returned and I was happy to help.

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