Leighton Harrington & Richard Browne
On Saturday 8/14/2021 Richard Browne and I were out looking for a wedding band and returned it successfully to its owner. When we returned, we had another call to go out on, and it was a lost wedding band that the woman had on her finger since 1965. Very sentimental as one could expect. It was lost while playing ball in the back yard with her Grandson the day before. Rick & myself got there to be greeted by Roberto, His Wife Jaclyn and Ryan, who was there while it was lost. Ryan a small Pirate in his own special way, was very enthused, and very into metal detecting helped out with the search. After about 45 minutes, and all of us on our hands and knees with pin pointers searching the flower beds, I had the notion to check over the other side of the fence, hey you never know rite? Maybe she throws harder than we think. Luck would be in our favor, low and behold the ring was rite on top of the grass, and on the other side of the fence… Another great save and one for the Ring Finders. A great three ring return day yesterday. What a great feeling to tell someone that we have it in our hands and we can’t wait to get it back.
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