Lost Heirloom Wedding Band Found in the Yard! Carlisle, Massachusetts

  • from Stonington (Connecticut, United States)

A lost heirloom wedding band found in a yard in Carlisle, Massachusetts! Nick was cleaning up the kiddie pool as part of his end-of-summer chores. He used a hose to rinse the pool parts off when he flung his hands to get the water off. A few minutes later, something didn’t feel right. He looked down and realized his heirloom wedding band from 4 generations back was missing! Such an important piece of family history gone missing brings an unbelievable amount of stress. This wedding band was made from Nick’s great-grandmother’s ring, the diamonds of which were placed in his wife’s ring – a truly irreplaceable heirloom. Nick spent some time searching the lawn, walkways, and garden spaces with a borrowed metal detector. He eventually found my website, rediscoverlost.com, and we scheduled a time to search. Soon after meeting at the property and investigating the situation, I heard a few metal-detecting signals around the areas Nick mentioned. Most of the signals turned out to be common trash. I started working my way back to where the pool was and heard a signal in one of the plants alongside the walkway. I pushed aside the vegetation and saw a gold ring wedged between the plant stalks, standing on its edge. This was the location where Nick thought he was standing when he shook his hands. Nick’s wife happened to be driving away right as I was finding the ring. Check out the YouTube video below to see her reaction!


From Nick:

“Having lost an heirloom (four generations back) wedding band in my yard, I was very anxious to find it. Hours of searching on my hands and knees and with a borrowed metal detector was fruitless. Keith and his wife came in and found it in about 15 minutes. I am profoundly grateful for his help. As with so many things in life, there is no substitute in this field for skill/experience and having the right equipment + knowing how to use it, and Keith ticks all these boxes. If you’ve lost something metal and have been unable to find it yourself, don’t despair – get Keith involved.”


How to Find a Lost Wedding Band

Did you lose a wedding band in your yard? It happens all the time! Don’t waste time renting, borrowing, or purchasing a metal detector. Stop, mark the area where you believe the wedding band was lost, and give me a call. My jewelry-finding service covers Connecticut, New York, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and surrounding states.


Do you need help finding something of value?

Contact Keith Wille

Call or text | 860-917-8947

Email | uncoverthings@yahoo.com

Website | www.rediscoverlost.com



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