Lost Yellow Gold Wedding Band Found In Ann Arbor Michigan

  • from Detroit (Michigan, United States)

Grandpa’s Little Helper

This nice gentleman was visiting his son from out of state. Him and his son decided to rake and bag the leaves in the front yard. Unfortunately his wedding ring of 52 yrs came off. How could he return home to his wife with no ring? On site and in the drizzling rain I turned on my MXT and we arranged all 17 bags of leaves so I could search around and under each bag. Going on a hunch to check the bags first I went from right to left and when I got to the 5th bag I got a faint whisper of a signal that said here I am!, and a number on the detector meter where the gold ring should be. Taking the bag onto the concrete surface and out of the rain I checked that the concrete was free of rebar. Dumping the contents of the bags caught the attention of his granddaughter. Scanning thru the leaves the faint signal turned into a no doubt signal. Reaching down I brushed the leaves aside and this beautiful gold ring appeared on the concrete! At this point his granddaughter took control! Reaching down she picked up the ring and slid it onto grandpa’s finger and now has some practice for the future! This made all of us smile in addition to finding the ring and now he can return home with his ring of 52 years with memories and stories of his little helper for years to come!



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