Ring found in yard near Longmont, Colorado

  • from Denver (Colorado, United States)

Marshall Lipps lost his platinum wedding ring while doing yard work in the spring.  He had trimmed some ornamental grasses and bushes and taken the clippings to a composting pile towards the back of the property. Since they live on a small acreage the ring could have been along a sizable path or someplace not thought of. Marshall even went to a rental place and rented a metal detector twice in an attempt to recover his ring. But he was not able to locate the ring using the rental detector.

Marshall then came upon the “Ring Finders” site and contacted me to assist in the search for his ring. By now it had been three weeks since he had lost his ring. Marshall and I walked the area where he was working and talked about what it was he was doing along with a demonstration of his actions.

I set out the search for Marshall’s ring searching the area of the ornamental grasses and the path to the compost pile. I ended up finding it near the compost pile but in an area that wasn’t expected as he didn’t recall being quite that far to the side of the pile. Marshall was happy to see his ring, but his wife was even happier.

Ring recovered on Mar 20, 2011.

Marshall reunited with his ring


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