Lost...White gold diamond ring/ A gift from her late Grandmother/ Vancouver

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

This ring search was for a young lady who lost the white gold diamond ring that was given to her by her late Grandmother.

While cleaning her balcony she threw a few things down to the ground below to pick up and throw away later. This is when she felt her ring come off and land some where in the grass below.

I listened to her story and it was pretty cut and dry in my mind that the ring would be in the grass close to the items that she threw to the ground.

I started my grid search in this relatively small area of her back yard and after 1 hour and no ring I had to re-think the situation. This should be easy I thought to myself… but why haven’t I found it?

My only thought was that the ring flew over the fence and landed in the neighbors yard, when I suggested we ask her neighbor if we could search her back yard for the ring, she didn’t think it was possible that it ended up there, but she agreed.

After a short time in the neighbors yard the ring was found and the smile was in full view!
“Flick Factor” I believe we never stop learning and life is exciting with the possibilities that await us in every challenge we meet.

I love my job!

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One Reply to “Lost…White gold diamond ring/ A gift from her late Grandmother/ Vancouver”

  1. Brad says:

    Nice going Chris, you just never know how far those rings can fly!

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