Santa Cruz Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost gold heirloom ring found in Santa Cruz

  • from Santa Cruz (California, United States)

Upper right-hand corner . . just hiding.

I was working on a job an hour out of town when I got a call from Sean about his lost 14k gold ring. Upon meeting Sean I found him to be a very genuine, personable man and extroardinarily calm given the circumstances. Meeting some wonderful people is one of the best parts of doing searches . . right up there with a successful recovery! By the time I arrived at his home we had about an hour left of light so Sean wasted no time in giving me an accurate re-enactment of how the ring was lost. The likely area was covered mostly in large flag stones bordered by ivy and low shrubs. The facts and my intuition suggested that the ring most likely lay just off the open area in the bushes. Regardless, I started my search outside the edge of the target zone and gridded my way into the highest probability area. Five minutes in and I nosed the Whites 6x10DD coil into and through some ivy when I hit a solid signal wavering back and forth between a 14 and 16 VDI readout . . exactly the signal I anticipated getting ! Hopeful, I pulled aside some vines and there it lay . .a beautiful, antique gold ring with an oval sapphire. That’s when Sean explained to me that the ring had been a gift from his father 40 years ago . . needless to say it held great sentimental value for him. I know of two people who were smiling as the sun set tonight . . possibly three.

Lost Beautiful Platinum Ring Recovered & Reunited in Santa Cruz . . .!

  • from Santa Cruz (California, United States)

A call came in later in the evening on Wednesday from a man stating that his wife had lost her platinum band at a popular local beach. (He had been referred to The Ring Finders and me, from a friend in Minnesota who had used the service there with great results !) I had maybe an hour left of light but I prepared for that. I grabbed my Whites MXT Pro with a backlight, hooked up the 10″ D2 coil, grabbed my headlamp  and I was geared up for the hunt. I was anxious to get there asap so I could get some good visual points of reference from the owner while there was still light. I was prepared for a long, tough battle. I explained the difficulties to the owner beforehand and told her that I would hunt as long as possible that evening/night and come back the next day after work if nescessary. She was looking despondent and I was determined to come through no matter what it took. The ring composition combined with the fact that it was carved through in the design, had stones and it was a ladies band (usually smaller) all added up to a target that could potentially read very low conductivity . . . possibly even signaling down in the iron range. This did not bode well for a hunt on a popular beach where campfires are allowed. . . I started the search. Now I don’t know if the Universe was feeling generous or if I had just earned it but 15′ in from the start of my search (which I began about 10′ outside the most likely spot) I hit my first signal, a solid 20 VDI on the MXT Pro and 3-4″ down. I slowly dug into the sand, spreading it aside when the gorgeous platinum band poked out. It was stunning, a piece of art really . . like a sculpture. I could not believe my good fortune but I kept my composure as I asked the owner if she could come over and answer a quick question for me. I pointed at the partially uncovered ring down in

My "partner" holding our quarry

the hole in the sand and I asked her if her ring looked anything like that one. After a few moments, recognition suddenly spread across her face as she yelled out “You found it . . ! !” Indeed I had. The small group adjacent to the hunt broke out in cheers and as I watched the ecstatic couple (and the sunset) I enjoyed the reward that only someone who has gone through it can understand. .  . . unreal !