Myrtle Beach SC Ring Finding Service Tag | The Ring Finders

Gold Coin and Yellow Gold Wedding Band Lost, Found and Returned Oak Island, NC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

This little adventure started on Thursday, Jul 25th about 9:30pm when I got a text from Megan. Her text said, “Hello we are inquiring about a lost ring, chain, and coin in Oak Island NC. What is your pricing and are you available tonight or tomorrow.” Her phone number was on the text message, so I called her. She told me, in so many words that her husband Tyler and his brother were having a brotherly love moment when things escalated a little. It continued to escalate across the top of the beach in the dry sand, down the slope and into the ocean. When they finished, both brothers had lost their gold chains. The chain belonging to the brother had a cross pendant attached and Tyler’s chain had a 10-dollar, 14 oz gold coin and his yellow gold wedding ring. Unfortunately, Megan and Tyler were leaving to go back home the next morning, and the tide wasn’t right for a search until the next afternoon. Megan arranged for her father-in-law, Jim to meet me the next afternoon.

My daughter, Lisa and her family were in town visiting and she loves to go on my ring calls with me. I’ve shown her how to use the Equinox 800 and she’s gotten pretty good at using it. When we got there, we met Jim and Nia, the brother’s younger sister. Both Jim and Nia filled in some blanks and showed Lisa and I the approximate route the boys went to get to the ocean. I had Lisa doing a grid line in the soft sand and I started working the slope down to the ocean. At some point Nia had told Lisa that she had lost one of her earrings while taking the family portrait a few days earlier. While I’m detecting, I see Lisa and Nia all excited and jumping up and down in the dry sand. Lisa had found the earring. We both continued our grid lines with no luck. A very short time later a big storm was moving our way with lightening, thunder, and heavy rain. We made it to the car just in time and waited out the storm. There was still lightning and thunder out over the ocean, but I got tired of waiting. Continuing my grid line, I finally hit a solid signal which showed up as an 18/19 on the Nox. Dug out a scoop of sand, spread it out with my foot, and Bingo! I had the 10-dollar gold coin. Lisa joined me a short time later and she continued her grid in the dry sand. I took a quick picture of the coin and sent it to Megan. About another 5-8 yards I got another 18 on the Nox. I dug a scoop and Boom; I had Tyler’s wedding ring. Sent another picture to Megan and then called her. She and Tyler were very excited. I gave both the coin and ring to Jim who was going to get it to Megan and Tyler. Lisa and I continued looking for the chains and other charm with no luck. The next day, I took a buddy, who uses the Deus II back up and we both searched for the chains and pendant and weren’t able to find them.

Megan/Tyler – Thank you for calling me to help find your lost treasures. Best wishes to you both.

Pictured below is the Obverse and Reverse of the gold coin.




Yellow Gold Anniversary Ring Lost in the Sand, Found and Returned Garden City SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

Right around 11:30 pm on Friday, July 19th, I got the following text, “Good evening, I lost my anniversary ring 2 days ago, out of my pocket. It could be on the beach or on the walk or at our rented beach house. I’ve looked over the house so likely at the beach. I just saw info about your services. We leave tomorrow morning; would you be available to search by chance tomorrow?” We text back and forth for a few minutes about the area so I could get an idea of where I’d be looking and then I asked her to call me. When she called, we discussed some other details and I found out they had to be out of the rental by 10 am the next morning. I agreed to meet her and her husband at 9 am. When I arrived, I met Melanie and her husband, Wes in the driveway of the rental. We walked the block down to the beach access and out on the beach. It was early but the beach was filling up quickly with tourist excited about starting their vacation. Melanie said when they were there Wednesday, the day she lost it; they had set up in front of the umbrellas and chairs that were put out on the beach. At some point the lifeguard told them they’d have to move behind the chair line, which they did. Melanie also pointed out another portion of the beach where she had run to pick up trash that had blown away.  We said our goodbyes and I started a grid search behind the chair line that had already been set up. As time went by, more and more people were showing up and detecting was getting difficult. I did about an hour and a half and called it, there wasn’t much more I could do at the time and the heat was unbearable. I planned to be back out there the next day, but had to play the crowd, the tide and the heat. As I was in the car typing up a text to Melanie, they showed up to check on me. We talked but I didn’t mention I was planning on coming back out.

The next day, Sunday, I showed up about 4:30 pm. I know this is about the time people start leaving the beach to get cleaned up and figure out dinner. Also, the chairs and umbrellas usually get picked up around 4:30-5 pm. The beach looked a lot different than the day before. I started a north/south grid search parallel to the tide line and about halfway up the slope. The closer I got to the chair line; more and more people were leaving. Melanie described her ring as a yellow gold anniversary ring, so I knew that would show up as a 13-14 on my Nox 800. Unfortunately, 13-14 is exactly what pull tabs show up as. Saturday, I must have dug up 7 or 8 pull tabs. So, as I’m walking along my grid line, I got a 13-14. I dug up the target and had it in the scoop. As I’m shaking the sand out of the scoop, I saw a glimmer of yellow gold. I shook quicker and emptied the scoop, reached in and pulled out Melanie’s beautiful ring. It was 5:27 pm when I sent her a picture of her ring and a text saying, “BOOM!!!!! Came back and just found it!” She couldn’t believe it. I put it in the mail and sent it overnight to her and she got it Tuesday afternoon. I love finding people’s lost treasures and returning something they thought was gone forever. Melanie shared with me that she got the ring on her and Wes’ 25th anniversary; they’re now on their 27th. She just added another chapter to the ring’s story. Wish you two many many more anniversaries.

Melanie/Wes – Thank you for allowing me to help find your lost treasure.
