Lost Diamond Wedding Band, Steveston in Richmond BC…Found
Today I received a call from a young lady who told me the story about how she lost her ring one week ago at coffee shop called Waves in Steveston in Richmond. She said she had the ring on while she was having coffee, she was showing it to her two friends then she went outside, gave hugs and went to her car and that’s when she noticed it was gone!The sad thing was the ring was too big for her finger and she knew it but she wanted to show her friends. After coffee she was going to go to the jewelry store and have it resized to fit her finger. The ring was her late mother-in-law’s and you can imagine how heartbroken she was.Well after a few question we set a time to meet today and when I got to the coffee shop there wasn’t really much to search but what there was I was ready to give it 100% It took a good 30 minutes and some detective work and after the second search in the same area the ring showed itself under a big shrub!I think the first search under that shrub it was caught in the grass blades and after shaking it the second time it fell to the ground below…What a great feeling for both of us when the ring showed itself!
I think we were both surprised because we started thinking that it must have been picked up by someone who saw it on the sidewalk…I hate to give up on a search and I’m glad I didn’t. I love my job!Lost your ring…Call me ASAP!”Renting a metal detector is hard. We make finding your lost ring easy.”Watch the video of the search below…https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8tRLFN_QGg