metal detecting service Scottsboro Tag | The Ring Finders

40th Anniversary Ring Lost While Brushing off the Dog in Scottsboro, AL… FOUND!

  • from Huntsville (Alabama, United States)

Christina McCree – Ring Finder/Metal Detectorist for northern Alabama and southern/middle Tennessee.  Call or text ASAP, anytime 24/7 at 610-504-6135.

I received a call on Wednesday (January 29th, 2025) from Alice stating that back in October her mother-in-law, Judy, had lost her ring while standing on her front porch in Scottsboro, Alabama.  Alice’s nephew had tried looking for it with a metal detector, but unfortunately, he was unable to find it.  Alice had recently come across my ring finders Facebook page (The Ring Finders – Huntsville, Alabama) via Google and she thought they’d give it a shot. I told Alice that I’d be more than happy to help look for Judy’s ring.  I work my normal “9-5” job during the week, but said that I could come out on the weekend.  We setup a search for Saturday.

I met Judy at her home in Scottsboro at noon on Saturday, February 1st.  We talked for a few minutes first, because we had both realized that my father-in-law, Lindell Sr., actually works for the company that Judy’s son, Steve, and daughter-in-law, Alice, own.  Small world!  I asked Judy to show me what she was doing when her ring came off.  She said her dog had rolled around in the yard and had some dormant Bermuda grass on him.  He was standing on the steps of her front porch, and Judy began brushing off the grass with her right hand.  She then felt one of her rings fly off and heard a ping on the metal railing on the right side, but she couldn’t tell which direction her ring went.  This was a very sentimental ring that was bought during a cruise to Mexico for her 40th wedding anniversary.  A beautiful and irreplaceable yellow gold ring with a ruby.

I began searching with my Minelab Equinox 900 metal detector.  The shrubs were very full, so it was a close quarters type of search.  I did my best to swing the coil around the foliage.  Then I got down on my hands and knees and began searching in and around the shrubs with my handheld pinpointer, the Garrett Pro Pointer AT.  I had searched the entire right and left sides of the landscaping, plus the front of the yard.  I only found various bits of small flexible metal, which was probably used in the construction of the house.  The landscaping had a metal edging around the entire border.  It gave off a loud tone.  The border was covered up with a mondo/monkey style type grass.  I knew I needed to manually search the entire boarder, because the metal could easily mask the ring.

I carefully searched through the monkey grass.  I cleared the right-side border, but no ring.  Next, I started searching the left side and I had gotten about part way down when I finally saw it… that yellow gold beaming back at me!  I was so happy and relieved that the mystery was finally solved!  It took an hour and 45 minutes, but Ms. Judy’s gorgeous red ruby ring was found!  I got in a couple of quick photos and rang the doorbell.  I told Judy that it was a tough search, but… we got it!  I opened up my fist to show her the ring.  She was so excited and gave me a big hug!  We both thanked God for answering our prayers.

I’m truly blessed that I get to go on all these fun adventures and meet such wonderful people.  Until the next one…please take care and God bless!


*****PHOTO UPDATE*****

I received this photo on Tuesday afternoon (February 4th) of Judy and her son, Steve.