lost jewelry Los Angeles Tag | The Ring Finders

Platinum Diamond Stud Ear Ring Lost For One Year… Found in Pea Gravel with Metal Detector

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

I received a call from Connie in Los Angeles, she told me that her mother in law, Priscella had misplaced a set of platinum/ diamond stud earrings almost a year ago. They were a gift for a special occasion over ten years ago and very sentimental to Priscella. After all the time that has past they had believed these ear rings were gone forever.

Fast forward ten months, Connie was visiting Priscilla and while sitting in a patio area Connie spotted the glimmer in the pea gravel that turned out to be one of the ear rings. They spent some time searching through the gravel for the other stud ear ring but not quite sure that the pair had been lost in the same location. To make things worse, the house had been sold. They would be leaving the property in two weeks.

After hearing the story I told her we had to give it a try. After all it wasn’t like she was sure both studs had been dropped in the same location.  I was available to meet her the next day.  Connie said, she would have the time to be there with the matching stud the next day at noon.

When I arrived we walked to the patio area where I set up my XP Deus metal detector with a hi frequency coil set at 74 KHz. The ladies went inside to take care of something. I began to search for “the needle in a haystack”. I immediately found two small pieces of wire, then Boom! One small platinum/ diamond stud ear ring that had been hiding for almost a year, looking at me from 2″or 3 ” in the gravel.

I was at the table taking photos of the prize when Connie walked up behind me asking “What’s the best thing you have ever found” .. My answer was .. A diamond stud ear ring as I pointed to the esr ring
on the table. Hugs and excitement from both Priscella and Connie. They had not built up their hopes of finding the matching ear ring so finding it was an awesome surprise.

I won’t get to see Priscella’s husband when she surprises him this evening by just wearing them at the dinner table. It was another special search and recovery. Also a pleasure to meet and help such nice people.


If you lose something in the dry sand, mark the area and get landmarks that will help you return to the general area. Call a metal detector expert from TheRingFinders ASAP. Some beaches get daily sand cleaning machines that may end up claiming your valuable before we have a chance to find it with a metal detector. We want to optimize our chances of finding your sentimental keepsake. Timing is important. I am listed at many SoCal locations but “I Will Try Anywhere”