I received a call from Hamid on Friday He lost his Hearing aid on trap line North of Gull Lake Saskatchewan. He had tried his Metal Detector’s and they wouldn’t find his other hearing aid. At a loss and looking at replacements that could cost up to $3000. He did some research finding the ring finders website and my number.
We decided that Sunday morning I would meet with him and go out on the the trapline. Before we left he had me check to see if the detectors I brought with me could find the hearing aid the Garrett AT Gold locate it ringing a solid 2, the Minelab X Terra 70 had weak signal.
I started the search from the location on the trail where he notice it missing. At this spot he had a tree branch brush the side of his head, and is the first time he noticed it missing. I started searching in wide grid pattern working from the left side of the trail to the right thought the tress and brush, moving in the direction he came from. There was a couple signals along the trail but they were a high VDI reading and about 6 inches in the ground I was looking for a shallow target. After sometime I got a solid signal of 2 about two feet next to the trail a inch deep in the snow aways down the trail.
Hamid couldn’t believe it when I bent down telling him it was his hearing aid and moving the snow away revealed the hearing aid. Its a great feeling being able to give back a lost item that some has lost being the smile on their faces!