Metal Detecting Lost Platinum Wedding Band in Grass…Found at Arlington, Virginia Park

Mark’s Beloved Platinum Wedding Band Recovered by Member of THE RING FINDERS Brian Rudolph at Arlington Virginia Park

Mark Excitedly Holding Up His Sentimental Keepsake After Detectorist Rudolph Returns the Wedding Ring to the Happy Owner!
Brian Rudolph, Lost Item Recovery Specialist (Land, Water, Sand, Snow, Leaves, Houses & Vehicles) Will Find Your Lost Keepsake! Call ASAP (301) 466-8644!
I received a call from a gentleman named Mark who had lost his wedding band at Fort C.F. Smith Park in Arlington, Virginia the night before he contacted me. He said he was with his wife Padma, their daughter, and some friends enjoying a dinner picnic on a blanket celebrating the Hindu festival of lights called Diwali. This is one of the major festivals celebrated by not only Hindus, but also Jains and Sikhs. The festival usually lasts five days and is celebrated during the Hindu lunisolar month Kartika.
Just as the family was about to leave the park, Mark realized that his beloved platinum wedding band was missing from his finger. It was ironic because he had been thinking earlier on during their social time on the blanket just how careful he needed to be with his ring because he noticed how loose it was. Unfortunately, during the next hour or so of searching in the dark with phone flashlights, neither Mark nor his wife Padma or any of the others with them could find the missing sentimental keepsake.
Mark and his wife left the park empty-handed and drove home with the plan of returning the next morning to continue their search. They also ordered a metal detector that would be arriving in the next day or two. If Mark could not find the band, he would return for a third visit with the detector in order to scan more of the grass.
Sometime that same night before the couple headed to bed, Mark decided that perhaps utilizing a professional metal detectorist in the Arlington, Virginia area would help better his chances for recovering the lost keepsake. That was about the time when Mark discovered the elite international metal detectorist directory called THE RING FINDERS. Like most, he was not aware that such a directory existed and this was his best opportunity to call upon an expert in the field of finding lost rings. I was contacted at that point and immediately we scheduled for me to conduct a search the following day.
As the sun was rising in the east the next morning, I started my drive to Fort C.F. Smith Park in Arlington, Virginia. I couldn’t wait to start searching for the platinum piece! Mark gave me information as to where he and his group were sitting on the grass. When I arrived, we had a video conference call so that the gentleman could guide me around and show me where they were parked, the places where his family walked and played and most importantly – the locations where everyone was picnicking.
Mark shared with me a few important details regarding not only where he moved about, but also the fact that he could have lost the ring while playing with his daughter. He put her on his back a few times and twirled her around on the grass. He also told me that he had collected the trash from the picnic area and placed the bags alongside the trash can because it was completely full with garbage. He was pretty certain that the bags would still be there in the morning when I arrived. Thankfully, Mark was correct – all of the trash that he had collected the night before was still in the bag resting beside the park’s garbage can.
Once I got completely oriented, I started metal detecting on and around the parking lot. I wanted to make sure that the most vulnerable areas where people could eyeball a ring would be scanned over first. When nothing turned up, I searched around the grass near where Mark and Padma parked their car. Next, I went through their bag of trash to make certain that the loose fitting band didn’t end up inside with the throwaways. Still, I did not find the cherished piece of jewelry.
After exhausting all of my efforts in the areas that I mentioned above, I was quite confident that unless the ring had ended up on the parking lot concrete and was picked up by someone, the wedding band most likely slipped off of Mark’s finger somewhere on the grassy area where they ate or played. That was my final section of the park that needed to be searched and most likely where the ring got lost.
So, I started my grid lines on the grass from the main park building that was set back a bit from the rest of the lawn, all the way over to a huge old tree that was located more to the center of the estate grounds. In minutes, I would be detecting over the exact spot where the group had been picnicking on their blanket.
During my first few grid line passes I did get a few decent targets to analyze, but nothing good enough to be a surface find. I kept at it until perhaps I was half way across my fifth grid line or so (approximately fifteen feet away from the giant tree), when all of a sudden I got the perfect signal popping on my machine! There was a certain skipping tone that sounded off in my headphones and I was quite certain that I had found what I had been commissioned to recover. I knelt down on the grass and with my handheld detector, I carefully scanned that section of grass where the target was first heard. Suddenly, there it was! Hiding under the many blades of grass, I discovered the shiny platinum wedding ring! There it was all along! Just feet from where Mark, Padma and their daughter hung out to celebrate Diwali with their friends, I discovered that very special, irreplaceable keepsake!
I could not have been more happy for Mark! It was such a gratifying experience to check out all of the possible places where the ring may have ended up, and then to find it in the last possible section of real estate in that park – it was exhilarating!
Because I was there at the park without my client, I set up another video conference with Mark and it was then that I had some fun surprising him with the fantastic news! He could not have been more happy to find out that I was able to successfully recover the lost ring! He said that he was additionally excited to return the metal detector that was expected to arrive sometime in the early afternoon that same day!
When I finished up on the phone with Mark, I packed up my gear and headed towards my vehicle. The whole way back to Maryland was just a wonderful experience reflecting on how successful the morning had ended up! I believe it was later that day that I had the opportunity of personally returning the ring to Mark. We shook hands, took some pictures together and then parted ways once and for all. He could not stop thanking me and was so appreciative of what I was able to accomplish at the park! My client was beyond grateful that I was able to preserve such a special story that was reflective of that very moment when Padma placed the platinum “halo” upon her husband-to-be’s finger on their very special wedding day many years earlier!
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