Shawn SGT Sherrill – Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Call/Text ASAP Anytime 24/7 918-313-220
So last night I got a call from a gentleman’s employee, who found me on “The Ring-finders” page, about his boss that lost his wallet at a construction site, while removing a stump with an excavator yesterday evening, on my way home from digging. I couldn’t do it yesterday, because of work.
After getting the details from Don (owner) he said the only metal he could think of that he had in his wallet was two AMEX titanium credit cards.
We agreed to do it first thing this morning. I get to the site and his business partner met up with me at the lot where the wallet was lost. 30 mins later BOOM recovered his wallet, loaded with credit cards, DL and his concealed and carry license.
Owner chose not to produce a photo of himself holding the wallet.
Owner chose not to produce a photo of himself holding the wallet.

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