Georgetown, Ontario~Lost house/car/mail box keys in the snow prepping snow blower!
2017-12-26 Georgetown, Ontario
I received a phone call on Boxing Day from a couple from Georgetown a community about 20 minutes south of me.
Overnight there was a really nice snowfall. The husband proceeded out to the back garden shed to start up the snowblower for the first time this winter. He didn’t realize that he had the set of keys (house/mailbox/car/car starter) in an unzipped coat pocket. He went to go move the vehicle and couldn’t find his keys. Both husband and wife looked all over the driveway and yard and turned the house upside down. They felt the keys were lost in the snow.
I headed down within the hour, asked some questions and decided to start in the back in front of the garden shed where the husband pulled out the snow blower. He said he had a hard time starting the snow blower.
Both decided to go back into the home to get warm. Within 5 minutes I found the set of located.
They were very happy not to have to waste the money to replace all the keys not to mention what could of happened if an undesirable found them..

Couple lost keys in snow