On July 6th I had a missed call from an out of area number while I was cleaning up from looking for a previous lost engagement ring that I’d been looking for. I called back and talked to Pat who stated she had been behind one of the Dune’s hotels in North Myrtle Beach on July 3rd with her fiancé and had lost her engagement ring. She went on to say that she wasn’t sure what her fiancé wanted to do as far as whether he’d want me to look for it or file an insurance claim. We talked about my cost for finding it, which I told her I work on a reward basis, etc. I could tell she definitely wanted “her” ring back and although a replacement would be great it wouldn’t be her ring. While talking to her I had another call from an out of area number which I’d call back shortly. Continuing to talk with Pat I told her that she can always replace the ring but not the memories that go along with it. I also assured her that given the right information I’m confident that I could find it since she told me she had not gotten into the water and the ring was in the dry sand. She gave me a few more details, one being that they sat very close to a life guard chair, and then we ended the call with her saying that she wanted to talk with her fiancé and she’d call me the next day with a decision.
I noticed the missed caller left me a message so I listened to that and then called back. The second caller stated his name was Branden and that he and his fiancé were in Myrtle Beach behind the Dunes Village resort on July 3rd when she lost her engagement ring. This sounded too familiar so I asked him his fiancé’s name which he said was Pat. I started laughing saying I was on the phone with Pat when he called. He wanted to know what Pat had said and I told him she was leaving it up to him on the decision. I went on telling him the same thing I told Pat about not being able to replace the memories of her ring and I felt she really wanted her ring back and not a replacement. It almost sounded like a sales pitch but that wasn’t my intent. We went on discussing my price and other details about the location of the ring. I finally asked him what he wanted to do and he replied he wanted me to find it. Two details he gave me was that 1-they had sat next to a life guard chair and 2-they were in the dry sand and directly in front of a group of rental chairs that were chained and locked together at the top of the beach. He also gave me the address of the resort which turned out to be in Myrtle Beach and was TRF member Matt Fry’s area. I told Branden that either Matt or I would call him back. We ended the call with me telling Branden to call Pat and let her know what was going on. It was around 9pm by now but I called Matt and gave him the details asking if he wanted to take it, he told me to go ahead since I had gotten the call. I texted both Branden and Pat saying I was on my way to look for it.
I got to the beach at 9:30pm and as I walked out on the boardwalk to the sand I noticed there was a life guard chair with a row of rental chairs directly behind it right in front of me. I remembered Pat had said when they crossed the boardwalk they went to their right and down the beach. I went ahead and checked out a 15X30 ft square where I was with no luck. Looking to the right down the beach, the next life guard chair was about a quarter of a mile south so off I went. As I was walking I’m also swinging the detector getting all kinds of junk targets. I also noticed another 5 chair rental spots along the way. I ended up doing an east/west grid from each chair rental to the high tide line. Finally on my 4th chair rental spot, third grid line and about half way up from the high tide line I got a banging 59/60 on my AT Pro. Two scoops and I had Pat’s beautiful engagement ring in my scoop. It was 11:30pm but I was sure that both Branden and Pat would be real excited when I texted them a picture of the ring even if I was waking them up. Branden was working and immediately texted me back not believing I found it. Pat called me as I was driving back home and she couldn’t believe it either. Originally they were planning on making the 4 hour drive back to Myrtle Beach to pick it up but those plans changed the next day so I got it in the mail.
I got a text on July 9th from Pat saying she had the ring back and on the 10th she sent me some fantastic pictures. As you can see Pat and Branden are one happy couple!!!
Pat and Branden, thank you for trusting in me to help find your lost treasure. Best of Luck to both of you on all your future endeavors. And Pat, don’t forget to save this memory to share with your grandchildren.

Thank you for reading my blog.