10K Wedding Ring Overboard! Recovered in Port Barrington, Illinois.

  • from Rockford (Illinois, United States)

Recently I got a call from Brian. He said that he found me on theringfinders.com website and that he had lost his ring the day before. He and a friend were about to dock his boat and while they approached the peir Brian put his left hand on the edge of the boat to reach for the dock with his right hand. As he did that his wedding ring slide off of his finger and into about 4 1/2 feet of water. They spend about an hour wading around in the water with a pool skimmer in hopes of scooping it up without any luck. So we set up a time for the following day to meet up. We met up the next day and he showed me which pier he was at and about where he thought that it was. So I grabbed my gear and headed for that area. And right where he was pointing I got a rock solid 12 VDI on the Nox. For whatever reason it took me a while to scoop up the signal. Brian asked if I wanted to skip it and look more to my left. I told him I shouldn’t give up on this signal because it was the perfect gold numbers. Finally after what seemed like forever I got the signal in the scoop! When I picked the scoop up from the water I gave it a couple of shakes and sitting in the bottom of the basket was Brian’s white gold wedding band!! Success!!
Another smile for the book!!

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