Lost Gold Engagement Ring, Found in Snow in Bluemont, Virginia

  • from Leesburg (Virginia, United States)

Call MyGoldFinder for lost items 571.258.7217.

I received a call from Katlyn on Monday evening stating she had lost her engagement ring while out building snowmen and sledding in her back yard. Her husband, Tony, was going to use a borrowed detector and some help from a friend to see if they could recover the ring that night and if  he didn’t have any luck would ask me come out the next day. Unfortunately, they did not have any luck finding Katlyn’s ring so we arranged for me to come out the next day.

Upon arriving at Katlyn and Tony’s home I noticed the large area to the left of the property where I presumed the ring had been lost, it was quite large, but I wasn’t daunted by the challenge for this recovery. Tony gave me a quick rundown of the activities and shortly I went to work. I setup a flag grid pattern across an approximate 50 yard by 50 yard area then started to conduct a slow search within each grind pattern. I extended my searches slightly on each grid section just to get some additional ground covered, but after almost two hours no luck in finding the ring; lots of junk metal and shell casings. So at this point I initiated a search beyond the first major grid section to see if the ring had possibly been thrown in another area. After about another 15 minutes I picked up a strong hit at the top of the grid and after moving a little snow there shining just under the surface in the snow was Katlyn’s beautiful engagement ring.

As I turned towards the house Katlyn was at the back door watching and I held the ring up high as my sign it was found. She immediately opened the door and with excitement in her voice yelled across the field, “You found it!??” Katlyn was just overwhelmed with emotion that she was reunited with her recently received engagement ring (Tony gave it to her in July of this year) and with tears of joy and a beautiful smile she gave me the biggest hug of gratitude.

It’s always these special moments that make our work so worthwhile!  Tony and Katlyn are a wonderful young couple and I’m just honored they called me and I was able to ensure their Holiday season was one to remember.



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One Reply to “Lost Gold Engagement Ring, Found in Snow in Bluemont, Virginia”

  1. Katlyn Wearmouth says:

    I can not say enough wonderful things about Raymond and his efforts to find my ring. My stomach had been in knots for two days while the ring was lost and like he mentioned when he found my ring and gave it back to me the tears of happiness just took started pouring out. I was worried I would never see the ring again! I was worried that once he saw the large area to search that he would not want to take on the task but Raymond did not shy away from the challenge. He had a plan and a system with his flags to ensure he did a thorough search and he never got in a rush despite the cold temperatures. After finding the ring he showed us exactly where he found it which I really appreciated. Raymond was so nice, pleasant to talk to, and although I hope I never lose my ring again, if i do i feel like i have made a friend and i will gladly call him again. I would recommend Raymond to anyone who has lost a ring.

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