I received a phone call and text late last night, but I was unfortunately unavailable. I responded with a text message first thing this morning.
Marcus requested my service to recover his lost promise ring, I understand he was brushing snow off his vehicle seat when the ring flew off his finger. He heard it ping inside the vehicle but couldn’t locate it, and then spent an hour searching the parking lot without success.
We arranged a meeting this morning, but a different vehicle was parked where his vehicle had been. After Marcus explained the situation again, I searched inside his vehicle and immediate area without finding the ring. Marcus then showed me a photo of where his vehicle had been parked, and I determined the ring must be underneath the vehicle that was parked on the spot where his vehicle was last night.
We discussed the possibility of the vehicle owner being a visitor or employee in the complex. I suggested we either contact each office in the complex to find the owner or wait for them to appear, which could take all day.
Fortunately, we were able to locate the owner quickly, and she kindly moved her vehicle. My first sweep with my metal detector located his ring, Marcus was ectatic to have his ring back on his finger.
Thank you for entrusting me to find your ring. It was my pleasure to assist you.
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