Lost wedding ring in car, Palm Coast, Florida...Found!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

If you need help finding a lost ring or other important metallic item, call or text me ASAP! Theringfinders.com metal detecting service is here to help you…321-363-6029!

While driving home from work Nick took his wedding ring off and set it on the center console. At one point he heard it slide off of the console and assumed it went down in between the seats into one of the cracks. Many a ring has plumb disappeared this very same way and Nick figured when he got home he would move the seats backward or forward and find his ring. As Nick soon found out there are many places where a ring can hide in a car in this type of situation. He tried his best to locate his lost ring but every attempt ended up in frustration and his next move was to take it to the BMW dealer and have them remove the seats…and even that did not reveal his lost ring. So a few days later Nick went online to see if he could find a service that offers help in locating lost rings in cars and up popped a story on theringfinders.com website. Nick texted me and I made arrangements to meet up at his garage later that week.

I never realized how little space is in the back seat area and how tight all the seats and carpets are in a BMW sports car…and the only place I could find where a ring might hide was in the small air vents under each seat. I had my endoscope pushed all the way down each vent and I could not see anything that resembled a gold ring. After searching for over an hour I noticed on the front of the passengers seat there was a small spacer area where a person could adjust their seat to allow more support under their knees that all a person needed to do was pull on the front of the seat, between their knees, and it would extend forward a few inches or it could be moved backward as well. I took my endoscope and stuck it into the slight space and pushed it along from the door side and moved it along towards the center console. I caught a glimpse of something pink and gold colored and my heart skipped a beat! The gold looked really bright, but the pink color was strange. So I immediately pulled my scope and slipped it into the other end and there, to my utter surprise, was Nick’s wedding ring sitting smack dab on top of a pink pull tab! What a huge relief as I thanked God for showing me where to look and for giving me the persistence to keep looking and not give up!

Nick was thrilled to have his ring back and I was honored to be able to help him in his time of need!
Lost a ring or something personal and need my help?
Call or text me ASAP at 321-363-6029!

Mike McInroe…thrilled to be a member of theringfinders.com

1 Comment »

One Reply to “Lost wedding ring in car, Palm Coast, Florida…Found!”

  1. Jeff Morgan says:

    Awesome feeling to recover a ring in a vehicle, there is a lot more in vehicles that get away. Hopefully more people learn of our services and get the help they deserve. Nice work as always! Happy to see more finders branching out to vehicle searches! Cheers, #SeattleRingHunter

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