Key Fob and Bronco key returned.

  • from Sunset Beach (California, United States)

Surf City Ring Finder Metal Detecting Service 714-944-0555

Carly texted me and asked if I could help her find her key fob and Ford Bronco key. Her Sister borrowed her vehicle to go to the beach the night before and unfortunately dropped her keys in the sand, Carly was not to happy with her Sister.

I met Carly and her Dad at the beach shortly after she texted me and started my hunt based on a video her Sister took while at the beach, it was key to getting me in the right place.

They had to leave to run an errand while I continued to grid the area, I found another set of keys with a key fob that were partly rusted while looking for hers. After about 12 passes I was able to find her lost key and key fob.


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One Reply to “Key Fob and Bronco key returned.”

  1. Jerry says:

    Hi Mike,

    Thank you again!!!

    Totally awesome.


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