Life steals away lots of things, memories, happiness, and loved ones. However when an item is stolen from your possession by another human it leaves a sting that never fully goes away. Likewise when the item is stolen by a family member you are left with a hurting heart and the feeling of a hopeless loss. For Ric and Ronda the latter came true while the snow began to fall in Idaho. The full story of the how the ring went missing was validated by a lie detection test and a trip to the pawn shop. Both tests proved that the ring that was stolen, was pawned, bought back and then thrown into Ric and Ronda’s front yard. A metal detector was rented and use but the ring still remained lost. Ric was using google to find a better metal detector but found instead The Ring Finders directory. I called Ric as fast as my fingers could dial the number he left in his email. We discussed “the story” behind the stolen ring, then made a plan for me to come over the next day. I arrived to the snowy front yard of Ric and Ronda’s and began to ask my standard questions of what kind of ring was it and what kind of gold was it made of. Ric’s reply was let me go get a picture of it. Ric came back out of the house with the insurance pictures of a stunning yellow and white gold marquise diamond wedding ring. I knew if the ring was there I was going to hear a loud signal under the two inches of snow. I could see the path where the person with a metal detector was looking but knew my 18 years of detecting was going to find it even if a coil had already passed over the ring. So back and forth I weaved talking and keeping the mood light. I had just asked a question to Ric while kicking away the snow that was over a 53 vdi signal, I remember that I had said “her ring” in the question. However I can’t recall the question because when I looked back down at the snow I saw the top half of a large gold ring. I said “hey Ric Her Ring” and I kept repeating her ring until he came over to look. Meanwhile Ronda was quickly exiting the front screen door exclaiming did he find it? With the pure excitement of the whole ordeal Ric’s wide eyes could not see the ring laying in the grass and snow. My hand met his and pointed out the location of his Wife’s wedding ring. Tears, screams of joy, clutched hands shaking with relief, my big smile , all erupted and all happened in less time then it took for the ring to fly out of a car window and land at the edge of Ric and Ronda’s snowy front yard. The story of life has many twists and turns, some leading to a hurting heart but leading to the joy only a Ring Finders Recovery can bring. Ric told me he had set the stones in Ronda’s ring 20 some years ago. I could see the happy moment when he gave her that ring for the first time, return to his smiling face. Blessed are those to hold on till the end knowing that at the end true peace will be delivered.

Rhonda hold her ring
Great job Luke, from a fellow Ringfinder in California!