Lost Gold 18k Tiffany chain and Charm Truro Cape Cod Mass


Rick Browne of the Ring Finders called early and asked if I wanted to help him locate a Gold Chain lost in dry sand the day before. I jumped at the opportunity to help out. We arrived and found Alec at the parking lot waiting for us and we followed him to the area.  I asked Lindy his young daughter to stand where she thought she may have lost it, and upon my very first swing with my detector, I got a very familiar tone.  5 second hunt literally, Rick barely had time to turn his on.  It’s all in fun, this is what makes our hobby a great one. Returns of this nature are very special. This young lady will always remember this I’m sure.  I asked if she will wear it to the beach ever again. Lindy’s reply was NO.


2 Replies to “Lost Gold 18k Tiffany chain and Charm Truro Cape Cod Mass”

  1. Alec Phillips says:

    Thank you both so much for finding the necklace! We searched through the sand on our hands and knees for at least an hour before we gave up and went home for the day. So glad you were able to help us.

    1. Our Pleasure Thank You be safe

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