Accidently Buried White Gold Wedding Ring Found Edmonton Alberta.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

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Received  a call from Kevin last evening in regards to his lost wedding band while unloading clay/mud from his dump truck since the load was very heavy and wet the load was stuck to the box and could not dump the load, he did not have a shovel with him  so he used his hands to try and free some of the clay to unload. Then after he finely got home that evening he noticed his ring was missing.

I got to the site where Kevin thought the ring could be and I said to myself WOW this is going to be a challenge as you can see in the pictures, took out the Spectra V3i With high Voltage power lines nearby and at peak  usage hr. My V3i just would not work properly in any mode or adjustment, So out came the Garrett AT pro and away I went doing a grid search N/S and E/W picking out beer cans and bottle caps from the clay after about 2 hrs. searching and Kevin fearing the worst I received a low tone and a VDI 65 about six inches, buried in the clay was his ring so I call Kevin over he could not believe his eyes that his ring was found in all that gumbo.

Another Happy Client Thank you Kevin for entrusting Me and TheRingFinders to find your ring.

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