metal detector rental cadillac Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost ring found at the Torch Lake sand bar with a metal detector in Torch Lake, Michigan

  • from Traverse City (Michigan, United States)

I received a call from Matt needing help finding his wedding ring. Matt was with family/friends enjoying the day drinking some adult beverages while throwing a football out at the Torch Lake sand bar. (I highly recommend people drinking adult beverage and throwing a football. Its very good for my business). On one of the throws, Matt noticed his ring flying through the air. He and his friends looked for the ring but could not find it. They did save a google location on Matt’s phone, making my job a lot easier. Matt sent me the google location they were anchored at. I reassured him, I was very familiar with the exact spot the ring was lost and finding it should not be that hard. I headed out to the Torch Lake sand bar right after work to start the search. I got to the spot and found 2 pontoon boats anchored on the spot.  It was just before dark when I arrived and they were packing up to leave for the night. I waited for them to leave, then went to the spot and found the ring in 10 minutes. Matt did a great job on saving his location.

Matt was already back home and wanted me to ship the ring back to him.

Matt thanks for trusting me to find your ring and the generous reward.

Ring found in the sand Frankfort, Mi

I was traveling to a different call tonight and got a call from Chase lost his very sentimental ring in the sand at the Frankfort beach in Frankfort, Michigan. I told Chase I would come tonight its a public beach with a lop of traffic. I did not want anybody else finding the ring if we waited till the next day to search. The first call ran late so I did not make it to Frankfort till 9:30 pm. Met Chase and two of his friends. We headed to the spot they were throwing a football to start the search. They did a great job getting me in the spot. It took about 10 minutes to find the ring. We were headed out of the parking lot at 10:00 pm. This was a nice short search, I enjoyed it and made Chase a happy man to get the ring back.