Metal Detecting Service Myrtle Beach Tag | The Ring Finders

14K White Gold Engagement Ring Lost in the Surf, Found and Returned Myrtle Beach SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

I received an e-mail shortly before 10pm on Thursday, July 21st from Zanita W. requesting help finding an Engagement Ring that had slipped off her finger in the water about 4 hours earlier. Zanita was here with her family on vacation from Indiana and was leaving on Saturday. I noticed in the e-mail that she also included Matt Fry (TRF Myrtle Beach). I contacted Zanita and got a few more details that included the name and location of the resort they were staying at. This resort was in Matt’s area so I called him to make sure he saw the e-mail. When he answered his phone I told him the situation but unfortunately he was stuck in Atlanta on his 3rd delayed flight out west and wasn’t available. I’m still on vacation and 800 miles away so I tried contacting Jim Brouwer, a friend who was filling in for me while I was gone. He didn’t answer so I sent him both a text and an e-mail with all the details knowing that he was probably asleep and was going to wake up very early to catch the low tide somewhere. I’m asleep and hear my text alert go off at 1:45am from Jim saying he’s on it. At 3:39am I get another text alert from Jim saying “I found it”. I called Jim and asked him to send me a picture so I could forward it to Zanita saying it was found. That morning I called Zanita around 8:30am, waking her up, with the good news. She couldn’t have been happier. I gave her Jim’s number and they arranged to meet later that morning.

Zanita, Thank you for trusting in The Ring Finders to help find your lost treasure!!!

Again, thanks Jim for backing me up. Zanita couldn’t have been happier!!!!


Zanita's engagement ring Zanita Whitley