lost ring petoskeyhow to find a lost ring Tag | The Ring Finders

Ring and Pendant found in Higgins Lake, Michigan with a metal detector

This call started over text. I get a text at 8:00 pm “I need your help I found you on google” “Ur a ring finder right” “you can like find rings in water”?

This went on for 30 minutes then I got impatient and called the number. I got no answer so I texted “why are you not answering the phone if you need help”. Then get a response, I’m 15 turning 16 tomorrow I thought you would want to talk to an adult. Yes,Yes,Yes I would love to talk to an adult. Then Marissa texted her mothers phone number to me. I called Melissa and got the details of what had happened. Marissa was trying to pull herself up on a dock and the necklace she was wearing got caught and broke. The silver pendant and a ring she inherited from a close uncle fell in the water below. Marissa was devastated thinking she lost the ring for ever. By this time it was 9:00 pm so I told Melissa we needed to wait till the following morning to recover the ring and pendant in the daylight. They were 1 hour travel from me and it was getting dark fast. I asked Melissa to text me an address to the house.

I waited 1/2 hour for the address and it was not coming. I texted Melissa to remind her about the address. I needed it before I went to bed to see where they were located. She said Marissa was having a very hard time and could not settle down. I told Melissa I could talk to her I have 17 and 15 year old girls. She said that would be great she is trying to get ready for Marissa’s birthday the next day. I called Marissa with my magical powers. When I start talking about metal detectors and sand scoops girls/women just fall asleep. I did such an good job after I found the pendant and ring Melissa could not wake Marissa up. She about had to pry her out of bed with a crow bar. I showed Marissa the ring and pendant and she was very happy to get them back. She said it helped me talking to her the night before and explaining they were not gone I could find them.