I lost my ring playing volleyball Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost Ring on Volleyball Court in Rockville, Maryland…Found by Local Metal Detectorist

  • from Washington (District of Columbia, United States)

Nicholas’ white gold wedding band that Brian Rudolph found metal detecting on a grassy volleyball court in Rockville, Maryland.

Nicholas excitedly holding up his treasured white gold wedding band which Brian Rudolph metal detected in the grass approximately 45 feet from where Nicholas felt his ring fly off of his finger.

Brian Rudolph, Lost Item Recovery Specialist (Land, Water, Sand, Snow, Leaves, Cliffs, Houses & Vehicles) Will Find Your Lost Keepsake! Call ASAP (301) 466-8644!

Nicholas was in one of those desperate situations where one feels like his or her only option is to call a professional. But one doesn’t know if it will be worth the cost or if it will even work out if you do invest in a qualified expert.

My client lost his white gold wedding ring during a volleyball match out on a grassy Rockville, Maryland field near his workplace. Immediately after Nicholas’ ring went flying off of his finger, his team and the opposing team (7 people total) all got on their hands and knees to comb through the grass filled court in hopes of recovering it. After about 20 minutes or so of not being able to find anything, Nicholas frantically searched to find a store nearby that had a metal detector in stock. He got the only one he could find and then spent another 3 frustrating hours searching with the metal detector while dealing with lots of false positives until it was dark (while his teammates also stuck around searching by eye). Nicholas then continued for another hour by himself trying to use a flashlight to see if he could miraculously see the reflection of the ring.

After a long and frustrating search, my client turned to the internet once again and found a Reddit post mentioning THE RING FINDERS, an elite international directory of metal detectorists, which in turn led Nicholas in finding my contact information. He messaged me to see if I was available to help in the search. The young man was desperate to hear a response to his cry for assistance and so I tried quickly to get back to him. When we talked, I gathered up as many details as possible and scheduled to meet up near the grassy volleyball court early the next morning.

Nicholas later admitted that he was skeptical. He shared that it was kind of a last act of desperation to get his ring back and my client wasn’t fully convinced I could find it. After all, multiple people spending multiple hours searching for it could not even find it…so why should he believe that one single person could accomplish what seven others could not?

The two of us met at the Rockville, Maryland volleyball court early the next day. I talked him through all of the details on how I was going to search for Nicholas’ beloved wedding platinum wedding band. I could tell that he was hopeful but somewhat questioning as I said that I would start sweeping the outer perimeter of the court, far beyond where my client was (center court) when he lost the ring, and then work my way into the center.

After 40 minutes of scanning the outside perimeter of the rear and right sections of the court, as well as the inner center court area on both sides of the net, later on, Nicholas shared that he was pretty disheartened at that point. Yet, this RING HERO was still optimistic and not moved at all even though so much time had passed by at that stage of the search. I explained to Nicholas that I would begin searching even farther out than the initial scanned area, but this time it would be on the opposite side of the court that my client was on. I would do my grid lines on the left outer sideline area of the court and see if the ring went flying way past the left out-of-bounds line. After the search was over, Nicholas told me that he figured that there was no chance of me finding it there. Yet, he thought to himself, “Why not, let him try. I have nothing to lose.”

Within ten minutes of working in that area, I was shouting over to the kind young man to come on over to where I was standing. I found the ring approximately 45 feet from where Nicholas had felt the ring slide off of his finger! It was hiding in the grass way beyond the far left side of the volleyball court! I still get amazed at how far these little guys can fly! I was so happy for him! Nicholas couldn’t believe how quickly and easily I was able to find his ring. I congratulated him as I handed his irreplaceable keepsake back to the hand that it belonged to and then we gave each other a huge victory man hug.

I am so thrilled to have been able to recover Nicholas’ lost wedding band. It meant the world to he and his wife the day it was placed on his finger…and now in a different way it means just as much to have reclaimed what would have been lost and gone forever!


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How to Find My Ring at a Volleyball Court .. Irvine, California

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)














Metal Detector Man mobile metal detecting service… Call or text ..  Stan .. 949-500-2136

… Raghu and his friends meet once a week to play volleyball at Deerfield Park in Irvine, CA. He has never had any problem with his wedding ring being lose or slipping off his finger. 

The day before contacting me he had been playing volleyball with his friends and he felt his gold wedding ring slip off his finger disappearing in the sand. He and his friends searched for it without success. He went home that evening discouraged about the loss. It bothered so much that he got in his car at 10pm that night and drove 25 miles to search again. It was frustrating because he knew it was in a 10ft.x 10ft. area. That search was unsuccessful.

The next morning he contacted me giving me the details. He was not able to meet me at the location but after hearing how the loss occurred, I felt it wasn’t necessary for him to leave his work place. 

He did send me a couple photos of the location which helped me get to the exact volleyball court. When I arrived the group that just finished their game session told me of the loss. I told them, I had already talked to Raghu. A few minutes later I was able to find the ring while the group of volleyball players witnessed the recovery. 

Raghu and his wife met me that evening at a public location. They were very appreciative asking me to share stories of other recoveries. We had a very enjoyable visit. It was my pleasure to help such a nice couple find their very special wedding ring. Words don’t explain the feelings that happen when you help someone find a ring.


If you need help or advice on how to find your sentimental keepsake, feel free to call or text me anytime… Stan the Metal Detector Man … Available Now … 949-500-2136