Grandmother's Gold Bracelet Lost in Wilderness Park .. Mission Viejo, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)


Krissy was doing a photo shoot with her kids at a wilderness park in the back hills of Mission Viejo, CA. Sunday 9-27-15. After returning home she realized her bracelet that had been passed down to her by her grandmother was missing.
She looked back through her photos noting it was on her wrist while doing the photo shoot. It was too late to return to the park. So she went to her Facebook friends for ideas of how to search for the bracelet. Many suggestions, one was to contact me at They printed up flyers and her husband Ariel went to the park at 5 am in the morning. He posted the flyers and searched with a flash light for several hours with no luck.
Krissy called me and I set up a meeting with her and Ariel to show me general area. We discussed the activities of the day that may have caused the bracelet’s loss.
It was a matter of setting up a game plan. It would take time to grid this area, so I told them it wasn’t necessary to stay. It would take time to thoroughly grid this location properly. They had their daily chores to take care of and I would call them if I found the bracelet. After an hour I heard a quick little blip of a sound in my earphones, looking down I saw the petite gold bracelet hiding amongst leaves and twigs in soft dirt.
A text with the photo of the find was followed with a call from Krissy who was in tears. She was ecstatic. We met an hour later to return this sentimental keepsake to Krissy. I could tell how  much this bracelet ment to her after she told me that the bracelet was passed down from her grandmother to her mother and then her.  It was another special moment for me to be able to help Krissy and Ariel.

Monday   September 28, 2015

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