Lost wedding ring in swimming pool, Longwood, Fl....Found and Returned to owner!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Mike McInroe…Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?…Call ASAP Anytime! 321-363-6029

Shawn and her husband are planning to move to another house and before they say good bye to their home in Longwood they desperately want to find his wedding ring which slipped off of his finger while swimming in the pool. Apparently the “pool guy” had not been doing his job very well and the water had turned a chalky white and visibility was only a foot or two. And neither Shawn nor her husband could hold their breath long enough to search the deeper part of the pool with their goggles.

Since they were going to be moving out in a few days they were getting very anxious about not being able to find the custom made lost wedding ring and that led them to do an online search for someone to help them. Theringfinders.com came up and after reading a few of my successful recovery stories Shawn decided to give me a call. (You see, most of my requests to find lost items are usually to search in yards, parks, beaches, lakes and places like that and the saying “Like shooting fish in a barrel” came to mind! But of coarse every search I have been on there is always some sort of challenge involved and many times it ends up being more difficult than first imagined.)

So that same day I was able to meet Shawn and as I surveyed the pool I settled on using my scuba tank and 50 foot Gator Gill hose along with my mask, fins, weight belt and flashlight. I entered the pool and slowly sank to the bottom making my way along one side while shinning my light along the bottom hoping to catch a glimpse of gold. I swam to the deep end and there were leaves and debris on the bottom and I carefully went thru each pile trying not to stir everything up. Shawn said her husband’s ring was rather wide so there was no fear that it could slide down the slits in the drain. I slowly circled the drain making my way in wider circles and BINGO!, there was the lost custom made ring just sitting there waiting to be found! I surfaced and made my way to the shallow end and began to shine my light into the house and Shawn came out–all excited and all smiles!

I thank God for allowing me to be a help to this young couple and now their story can continue and they do not have to worry about leaving their wedding ring behind!

Lost something recently? Call, text or e-mail me ASAP!

Mike McInroe…ready to help you find what you thought was lost forever!

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