Engagement ring found in the snow Petoskey, Michigan with a metal detector

  • from Traverse City (Michigan, United States)

This adventure started with a Facebook message from Jasmine asking if I was available the next day. We exchanged messages for about a 1/2 hour. I got an address and details on the lost ring. I agreed to meet her the next day after work.

I got to her house and got the details and the search area. She was outside the back of the house playing with her dog in the snow. She was in an area about 25 feet by 40 feet. After going back into the house she immediately noticed the ring missing. Jasmine and her fiancee went and bought a metal detector from a local big box store and had no luck. They also used a blow torch to melt the snow without any luck. Then she searched “metal detector specialist” and my Facebook page came up.

I got the area down and started the search. Within the first 2 minutes into the search, I knew this was going to be a hard search. I was hitting 5 signals per swing of the detector. I ended up telling her this was going to be a hard find because all the signals. I asked whats with all the pocket change in the grass. She said her fiancee likes to throw his pocket change out the truck window into the grass. I ended up telling her not to wait outside with me this is going to take awhile. The temperature was below zero with a light wind. I initially tried to clear every signal and finally realized it would take a month to do that. I ended up putting on the 6″coil and just look for a gold signal. I knew by the size of the ring it should ring up between an 12:02 and 12:10 on the ctx. So after 2 hours and 10 minutes, I finally get a nice sounding 12:05 on the ctx. Slightly moved the snow with my foot and saw the ring sit up straight. I left the ring as it was and went to get Jasmine from the house. I almost had to drag her out of the house she was moving very slowly. She later explained to me, that just before I went to get her, she came to terms with herself that the ring was gone. We got out to the ring and I shined the flashlight on the ring and said I think your going to be very happy. She looked down at the ground and once she realized it was her ring she started screaming and jumped straight up into the air. She thanked me about 10 times and I just kept playing it down like normal. Then she said “No! you don’t realize what this means to me, You’re my hero you saved my wedding! I’m going to name a child after you!”. I was left speechless and didn’t know what to say after that. It turns out the ring was made from both grandmothers wedding rings being melted down to make this ring. They put the wedding on hold till this ring could be found. I’m not going to hold her to naming a child after me. If it happens, I would be happy to bring my family up to Petoskey to meet the child.

Jasmine, I was glad to help you and save the wedding.

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