Metal Detecting Grouse Mountain Ski Resort for a lost Gold Wedding Band...Found

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Friday afternoon I got a call from a young man who was visiting from Columbia, he told me he lost his gold wedding band while he and his wife were up at Grouse Mountain Ski Resort checking out the snow that has arrived early this year.

I was at work when he called and I know he was hoping I could come out that afternoon to help find his wedding band but I couldn’t get to him till the next day. We set a time to meet (8:45am) for Saturday and off we went to the top of the mountain.

When we got up there he showed me the area were the ring was lost in the snow,  it wasn’t that deep. However there was lots of nails all around and that makes it a bit of a tough search! I just eliminated the possibilities and in less then 30 minutes in about 5 inches of snow I found his gold wedding band.


I love my job! As soon as I showed him the ring I could tell that they both were so happy! When I handed it to him he kissed his wife!


It was nice meeting you both today! Thank you for the kind reward! And I hope you enjoy Vancouver.

Lost something? Call Me ASAP!

You can watch the video of the search below…

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