Lost Gold Ring at Bear Mountain Resort

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

A couple of days ago I got in touch with a lady who lost her gold ring while she was vacationing at Bear Mountain Resort in Victoria.

She told me that there were two different places that the ring could of come off her finger, but one place she felt was more likely then the other, and that was at Bear Mountain Resort.

She remembered walking her dog by the golf course(not on the course) near her hotel. Her dog did its business and Lisa unwrapped the lease from around her left hand to clean up, this was the most likely place that she could think the ring could have come off.

We talked for some time and I could tell that this ring meant the world to her! I found out later that the ring was a gift from her Aunt and it was her most cherished passion.

I decided that I would go to the resort to take a look, Lisa made arrangements with the club and we got the green light. The next step was to get Lisa to draw me a map…And she did just that, it was a great map and it gave me a good idea where to look and how to do the grid.

I set the alarm for 3:30 AM and off I went to catch a ferry to Victoria Island. I arrived and started the search around 9 AM.
After hitting the spots and no luck I decided to work the area from her patio to the gravel road.

It was pushing 3 hours and all I had to show was 10 golf balls.
Then in an area of green long grass(most of the grass was brown) I received a great hit on my detector! I slowly bent down and moved the grass to see a beautiful ring with all colored stones looking back at me! You’ll never see my immediate reaction but I’ll tell you it makes me give a little Ya! Ha!

I walked back to pro shop to thank the man who let me search the course and showed him the ring. I found a caddy and gave him the golf balls then I made the call to Lisa.

If you knew me you’d know that I’m a bit of a prankster, I told Lisa that I did everything I could but I was packing up and heading home. I said that this would give her closure.

The phone was silent, I then said closure that I found your ring…
She replied”What”!! I told her that I found her ring and I was coming back to Vancouver to drop it off to her…Well she lost it! She cried for a couple of minutes on the phone…I have the best job in the world! I can make people happy!

I love my job!

Lost something?

Call:Chris Turner 778-838-Find(3463)

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