Grandmother’s Silver 1963 Nursing School Graduation Ring Lost, Found and Returned Sunset Beach NC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

I received a call shortly after 3:30pm on Saturday, June 1st from Emily. She said she had lost a very sentimental ring in the soft sand and some locals recommended she call me. I told her I could be there in about 30 minutes, grabbed my gear and was on my way. On the way, I called Emily back to get some additional information. While I was talking to Emily, I had another call come in. When I finished the call with Emily, I called the 2nd caller back. That call was for a lost ring in the ocean and was time critical due to the changing tide.

Emily called me back as I was getting close to Sunset Beach and said her boyfriend was waiting by the street down the path from the beach access point. I parked and met her boyfriend who walked me out to the beach where I met Emily. Emily stated the ring was a silver ring that belonged to her grandmother. Emily showed me the suspected area, which was under a beach tent. I turned on the Nox 800 and searched the cleared area of the tent with nothing. I was moving toward the other half of the tent and asked if the chairs and a table could be moved. When the table was moved, one of Emily’s friends, TJ said, “Found it.” Not sure if the ring was sitting on top of the sand or got kicked up when the table was moved. So mission accomplished and Emily had her ring back. I headed out enroute to the next call.

Sunday, I text Emily back to get the full story of her ring that I didn’t get in my haste to answer the 2nd call. She graciously replied saying, “She had taken the ring off and sat it in her bag while working on a small art project to commemorate her and her boyfriend’s 1st beach trip together. The artwork involved glue, so she had taken her ring off and put it in her bag. Sometime later the tide came in and her and her friends were rushing to get the umbrellas and chairs moved higher on the beach. Her bag was knocked over in the process and she didn’t realize the loss until they made it back to the car.” She continued saying, “The ring was her grandmother’s graduation ring from nursing school class of 1963. Her grandmother passed in December and Emily has worn the ring every day since. Emily is completing nursing school and will graduate in the fall. She’s following in her grandmother’s footsteps.” The last thing Emily told me, that put this loss into perspective, was that “The ring may not cost much, but it is absolutely irreplaceable to me.”

Emily – Thank you for calling me. Good luck with your career and I’m sure your grandmother would be very honored and proud of you.




2 Replies to “Grandmother’s Silver 1963 Nursing School Graduation Ring Lost, Found and Returned Sunset Beach NC”

  1. Emily McCune says:

    Thank you so much for coming out so quickly and being a part of finding my ring! I’m very grateful!!

  2. Christie Batchelor says:

    So glad Emily’s ring was found. We live at Sunset and I told her to give you a call as you have great success. We were leaving the beach when you were walking down to the beach. Thanks for all you do for so many!

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