Lost SD card full of wedding photos....Found in Spokane WA!!

  • from Spokane (Washington, United States)

All the time spent preparing and planning for a wedding shoot Katie never planned for the worst outcome ever, a lost SD card full of that days photos. With the whole wedding party walking up and down West Riverside ave, Katie was taking photos. During one of the photo shoots a bridesmaid asked Katie to hold her phone. With Katie’s fanny pack open, the phone slipped into the front pocket. After the photo shoot was over, Katie and the wedding group walked back to the event center. The bridesmaid who asked Katie to hold her phone, asked for her phone back. Little did Katie know, the act of pulling out the phone would chuck her number 21 SD card on to the ground. After arriving back to the event center she went to retrieve her sd out of her fanny pack. The card wasn’t there. With the sinking feeling setting in, Katie went back to the photo shoot area to look for her SD card. The bridesmaids came with Katie to help with the search. Having no good luck locating the card, Katie called her husband Zack to enlist his help. Zack quickly found the Ring Finders through a Reddit post and called me. We talked and texted for a bit, then Katie called. After going over the finite details I knew I needed to get to Riverside ave. fast. I knew I needed to bring my Eye detector 1000 and with prayers and God on my side I began my search. The street was full of people and cars. I had my bright flashlight and searched every parking spot and sidewalk. Making my way to the front of the church I saw a small black rectangle in between a car tire and the curb. Picking up the card and looking at the front, I could see a hand written number on it like the example Katie sent to me. I sent a text and picture to Katie. After driving to the event center I saw Katie standing outside waiting for me. I was able to give her card back to her and get a photo of her smile. The wedding photos will have to be recovered by the manufacturer because the card didn’t work, it had been run over. However, Katie was confident not all was lost. The little things in our lives sometimes hold the most treasured of items, and the photos of your wedding day are memories that will last forever. I’m so glad I got to be a part of that lost and found story. Thank you Katie and Zack for having faith in me.

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One Reply to “Lost SD card full of wedding photos….Found in Spokane WA!!”

  1. Katie says:

    Thank you so so much!! You literally saved the day and so so many precious memories!! We’re so thankful for your quick action and skill!! Thanks for blessing not only us but the couple whose memories are on the card!! You’re the best!!

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