Lost something important? We can HELP! Our services are FREE! Donations to the Club are accepted. We will send a team of metal detector experts to search virtually any location. Some of the most common are parks, beaches, creeks and even your own backyard. If you have lost your ring or any other precious item, “Don’t Wait – Call Now.”
Tiffany & Michael were down to Anna Maria Island from Connecticut for some fun and sun. They set up their area on Holmes Beach and Tiffany remembered she was wearing a very special ring so decided to protect it by tying it to one of the strings on her string bikini. During the day they ran around in the sand and tossed a football back and forth before going into the water to cool down. After returning to their area after cooling off, Tiffany noticed that her ring was no longer on her bikini. The area they had been in throughout the day was so large that it was impossible to search. They mentioned to a gentleman on beach named Bill what had happened. Bill suggested that they call SRARC ring finders. Joe Szemer got the call and contacted Mike Miller to see if he could respond quickly as the couple was going to leave in a short while. Mike headed down to the beach immediately and arrived just as they were leaving. Michael took Mike out to show him the area they thought he should hunt and then they left to return to Tampa. As Mike setup to begin the hunt, Bill came over and said he had been watching them the whole time they were there and that he should hunt in a completely different area than Michael had laid out. Since the area where the ring might have been lost (about the size of a football field) Mike went with what Bill suggested was the area they were most active in. After choosing to do the upper area first and having no luck Mike moved back to the middle and began the search of the lower area. After two sweeps the sweet sound of gold popped into Mike’s ears and sure enough there it was. Since Michael and Tiffany were already headed for return to Connecticut Mike will be returning the ring via USPS and is sure Tiffany will have a great big smile on her face when she opens the package. Thank you so much to Bill for putting Mike on the right track to finding the ring, without your help Mike would have never found the ring.

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