socal ringfinder Tag | The Ring Finders

Cartier Love Bracelet with Diamonds Lost in a Two Mile Outing .. Found and Returned

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)
















One of my favorite miracle recoveries …

Susan’s friend contacted me trying to get help to find Susan’s Cartier Gold and Diamond bracelet. Three friends had spent the day in Newport Beach. They had planned to eat out and rent bicycles to checkout the action riding down the beachfront bike/ pedestrian path. They had not planned to be on the beach.

After riding the rental bikes from Balboa Pier to Newport Pier they parked the bikes just before sunset then walked out on the beach at low tide to do some photo shoots. They proceed to walk near the water’s edge 6 blocks to the north where they took photos on the breakwater boulders. That’s when Susan realized her very sentimental and expensive bracelet was missing. 

The bracelet could be anywhere in a two and a half mile area. Much of the possible locations where it could be was the cement bicycle pedestrian beachfront sidewalk. The other was the low tide area of the beach. That could only be searched at low tide that fall in the early AM hours after midnight. There was also a possibility that the bracelet could have dropped into the large breakwater boulders. ( 98% inaccessible).

While waiting for the late night low tide, I searched the small amount of dry sand where the beach sifting machines normally maintain. The first low tide search did not prove to be successful. I knew it would take several attempts at low tide to feel confident that it was searched properly.

The next day after the night search, I remembered what Susan had told me during a phone call.  ( all the clues they gave me were using a celphone as they could not come to the beach ) .. I realized there was an area of dry sand  that I had not scanned. 

I returned to set up a grid search of a 40’x60’ zone of dry sand that doesn’t get sifted by beach maintenance equipment ( AKA The Beach King)…… 20 minutes into my grid search I got a ID of #15 on my Equinox metal detector. That’s usually a bottle cap number. NOT THIS TIME .. ID #15 is also a  open Cartier Love Bracelet. I dug lightly because it was a surface target. I could have easily been reckless with my sand scoop which would have damaged the fragile bracelet and it’s more than 130 diamonds. This is one of the most expensive Cartier love bracelets on their website.

A side note.. This is the newer model of the love bracelet. It has a hinge instead of two gold screws.  When I closed the bracelet it gave me a #20 ID reading on my detector. ( most the time a #20 can be a penny) 

Needless to say, when I called Susan she couldn’t believe the bracelet was found. I did text her a photo of her bracelet first, before calling her with the good news. I had to soften the surprise.

“I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “  Don’t wait call now!  Stan .

Family Hierloom Ring Lost .. Santa Monica, CA. .. Found 6 hours before Flying to the U.K.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

I received an email from Annabel just before 11pm the night before she had to return home to the U.K. She didn’t have regular celphone service as she was on vacation.

Hi Stan

I got your details but from the ring finders website and I know it’s a long shot but I really need your help!

I was at the beach today in Santa Monica and lost my nans engagement ring and searched and searched through the sand and couldn’t find it. I think I know the small area where it was probably lost as I took my ring off (with my watch) before going into the ocean and when I came back I could only find the watch in my bag, so it must have slipped out.

Would you be around tomorrow morning to help? The only problem is that I fly back to the uk tomorrow and need to leave at 4 for the airport! If you are able to help at such short notice, how much do you charge?

I know it’s a long shot but thought I would see if you could help.



I was on the beach at 6am, and began my search before Annabel arrived. We had a mix up about what lifeguard tower she was near when the loss occurred. When we got to the right location the first 30 minutes did not turn up the ring. I asked her which way she walked off the beach. That was the right question and it only took a few minutes to find this very sentimental ring. The ring had come out her beach bag as she walked off the beach. Another nice lady that I had the pleasure to help find such an important piece of family memories. I know how much a person can worry about the loss of this type keepsake. I’m sure her trip home was much happier than it would have been if she didn’t find it. 
