#Ogunquit Maine Metal Detector Rental Tag | The Ring Finders

Gold Signet Ring Lost In The Portland, Maine Snow. Found With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

On Monday evening, February 17th, 2025, I received the following voicemail transcription.

“Hey how you doing. My name is Ethan M***. I got your number off of Facebook, for the finding thing you do. I am just calling to see if I can get your help I just lost my ring in the snow and can you call me back at 910-***-****, thank you…”

I immediately called Ethan back and he explained that he was shoveling his driveway, when he slipped on a patch of ice and fell to the ground, hard. As he was falling, he could feel his ring coming off, he thinks. Everything happened so fast and he was bracing himself for impact, but he thinks he felt the ring coming off.
Thankfully, he was not injured, in the fall. Once he had composed himself he searched for his ring, in the driveway and immediate area, without any luck. The snow was deep, on each side of the driveway and mostly hard packed snow and ice, in the driveway itself. After not locating the ring, Ethan went inside and called me for help. He told me that the ring was not his wedding ring, but a very special Signet Ring, that was a gift from his wife and is extremely sentimental.
As fate would have it, I had a Physical Therapy appointment at Orthopedic Associates, in Portland, Maine at 8:30am, the next morning and it was only 10-15 minutes, from where Ethan lived, in Portland Maine . I told Ethan that I could arrive at his home at 7:00am, before he left for work and he could go over the events, just prior, to losing his Signet ring. I would be able to search for an hour, before I had to leave for my PT appointment. If I wasn’t able to cover the entire area and find the ring , prior to leaving, I would return immediately after my PT session had ended.
I arrived at Ethan’s home at 6:50am and was promptly met by Ethan. He showed me where he was, in the driveway, when he slipped and fell, on the ice. Ethan also told me that he thought the ring would have flown off directly in front or behind him, into the snow.
I decided to start out near the street, searching the driveway and snow along the driveway, including the area in front of Ethan, where he thought the ring may be. Absolutely nothing.
I then turned around and went down the other side of the driveway, searching both the driveway and snowbank, along the driveway. No Signet ring was found. Once I had ended up back at the street , I searched the snowbanks at the end of the driveway and still no ring. At this point, Ethan needed to leave for work. If I found the ring, I could give it to his wife, who was inside, getting ready for work.
After Ethan left, I kept expanding the search area. I got up in the deep snow of the lawn, in front of the house and still no signals. I then went to the other side of the driveway and searched that lawn and into a thick bush, as best I could. Still no ring. I then researched the entire area and still nothing. Thankfully it is a small area and it wasn’t taking me long to cover the areas Ethan thought the ring was in.
I then decided to search the walkway leading up to their front door. Still no ring. As I was heading back towards the driveway, I decided to search as close to the parked car as I could but couldn’t get very close to it, because all the metal kept setting my detector off. I decided to just swing the coil very slowly, and as close to the vehicle as possible. I was still getting some targets but it was always the car setting the detector off. As I tried one last time, I did get a separate signal, aside from the car. It was definitely a non ferrous target but the conductivity reading on the VDI screen was 55. A much higher reading than I would expect for gold. Gold is considered a low conductor and the reading is usually in the 03 to low 30’s. Since it was such a good sounding target and definitely non ferrous, I just had to check it out. I took my pinpointer, scraped the snow down and then I saw the outline of a Gold Ring. I had found Ethan’s Signet Ring. It had taken me approximately 50 minutes and with the temperature at -2 degrees, with the wind chill, I was ready to leave. My feet and fingers were freezing and the warmth of the car was calling me.

I knocked on the front door and Ethan’s wife answered. I showed her the Signet Ring and she was so pleased. She told me Ethan had been very distressed all night, wanting to find his gifted ring very badly. I told his wife I would send some photos of the ring to Ryan, at work, so he could stop worrying.
I sent two photos of the ring and the following message, to Ethan, at work.

“How does it feel to have your ring back”?
Ethan replied
“You are a life saver!!!!”
I told him that his wife was now in possession of his very special ring and asked if he could have a picture taken, with him holding the ring. He quickly agreed and said he would send it to me, when he returned home, this evening. It is always such a great feeling and pleasure to be able to help people like Ethan out in their time of need. I love putting another smile, in my “Book of Smiles”.

Ethan later, in the evening , sent me the following text message .
“Thank you for all of your help, definitely a weight off the shoulders”. How can I not feel good, after a text like this.

It was also a great feeling to get into a warm vehicle. I’ve had enough of the cold and snow. Bring on the spring 🌻🌸❤️

Sterling Silver and Turquoise Ring Lost in the Old Orchard Beach sand, Found With a Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

Recovery and Return #76, for The Ring Finders of Maine

As my wife and I were on a 13 mile bike ride, I saw I had a Facebook PM, from an hour earlier, from Jessie. It said
“Hi!! My bf lost a ring in the residential area of Old Orchard Beach, Maine (near puffin st). Could you help us located it please? It’s circled in Red”.
I asked her a few questions about the location of where the ring was lost and she replied,
“The ring was lost very close to the house (Puffin St) on the beach. Right near the walkway to the road”.
Jessie then told me she was at work and her boyfriend, Matt would be calling me with more information. Matt call a few minutes later and told me that the ring would be in front of his Uncles house, on Puffin St, just 10 to 20 yards, out on the beach, going towards the water. The previous day, Sunday, September 15th, Matt and his cousins were throwing a football around, on the beach and Matt felt the ring come off, after throwing the football . Everyone in the group searched, for the ring, but it was already under the sand and out of sight.
Matt then sent me a photo of the ring and a photo, with a circled area, in which Matt was confident the ring would be in. Matt wasn’t sure just how far the ring flew off his finger, but was sure, it would be in the circle. Matt asked me if I could get down there in the next two or three days and search for his ring, he would appreciate it. I told Matt that I wasn’t waiting and would be searching, within a 1/2 hour, after finishing talking with him. A ring lost on the beach, should be searched for asap and as it was now, a full day has passed. If the beach cleaning machine had cleaned the beach already, the ring was probably lost forever. Another possibility is that another metal detectorist may have found it already. I just needed to get there asap and search.
When I arrived at the location, I saw that the beach had not been cleaned, by the beach rake. That was a huge relief. I decided to start at mid beach and grid the area, south to north , working my way towards the house. This was decided as I was communicating with Matt. I was on the beach and sending Matt photos, of the area, to try and verify the area, as best as we could. Once Matt told me

“That’s the house and spot, though it won’t be far from that location. Perfect!!! It would be closer to the houses, than the water, but that should do the trick”.

Now with the location verified, I started the grid search. I was finding very few targets as I was going along. A few pull tabs, a piece of foil and 1 quarter. The beach was very clean. After 35-40 minutes of searching and as I worked my was towards the houses, I finally received a really good target, right in the area, Matt had been throwing the football around. A very loud high tone and a 12-45/46 on my Minelab CDX-3030 VDI screen. Absolutely in the Sterling Silver range or possibly another quarter. I pulled my pinpointer out and stuck it into the sand. As I was moving it back and forth, Matt’s Sterling Silver ring with a blue and a white turquoise stone popped up and became visible to me. I didn’t even need to dig it, as it was barely under the surface. Wow, I knew Matt would be extremely happy and I sent him a text saying, “How does it feel”? Matt replied “Pardon”? I then sent Matt a photo of his ring, still in the sand, exactly as I found it, with the pinpointer. Matt then replied

“OMG! You’re incredible!!!!!. My deepest and endless thanks my friend. WOW! You’re a legend, for real”.
I sent back two laughing emojis 🤣😂

We then made plans to meet at my house, the next night, as Matt was going to be in Saco, Maine anyways. When Matt did arrive he was so polite and thankful and to,d me the ring was very special because it was a gift, from his girlfriend, Jessie. I am just so happy to have been able to help him, in his time of need. Being retired gives me the flexibility to leave anytime and search. I was afraid of the beach rake getting the ring but it all worked out and Matt now has the ring back on his finger and a smile, ear to ear.

Heirloom Japanese White Gold Wedding Ring Lost, In The Ogunquit Beach, Maine Sand, Found With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

As my wife and I were walking through Laurel Hill Cemetery Association today, 9/15/24, on a 5 mile walk, my phone rang. The caller identified himself as George and someone in his group, had just lost a White Gold Wedding Ring, with three small diamonds in it. George asked if I could come and search for it. I asked him where he was located and when the ring was lost. George stated the ring had been lost an hour ago and they were on Ogunquit Beach, in front of the Norseman Resort. I told George that I could absolutely help him out, I just needed to walk back home, first. I would leave to search for the ring, without even changing out of my sweaty workout clothing. After all, time is of the essence when an item is lost in a public place. The sooner I can get there, the better chance of a recovery.

So, Cheryl and I went straight home, put my beach flops on and headed to Ogunquit, Maine. Since I had been on a search and recovery yesterday, in Eliot, Maine, all my equipment was still in my car. I wasn’t sure about the traffic on route one, since we are now in mid September. The summer traffic is horrendous when trying to drive route one in Wells and Ogunquit. The traffic turned out to be better than I thought and only added about 15 minutes to the drive, from our home, in Saco, Maine. Weekend summer traffic may add anywhere from 30-45 minutes, trying to get through the route one coastal traffic.
Once we arrived, I called George and let him know that we were there. George told me his son would be there in one minute and bring me back, to where the ring was lost. Once George’s son brought us to the area, there were a group of people and a young woman stepped right up and said that it was her ring, that was lost and her name is Sophia. Sophia told me that the ring is a heirloom wedding ring and is part of a set, that goes with a matching engagement ring. She then tells me the wedding and engagement rings were originally her late Grandmother’s and was just heartbroken that she had lost it in the very fine, soft sand. Sophia also told us the she and her mother were visiting Maine, from Japan. Wow, the pressure was on now, to find the ring. I couldn’t let Sophia go home to Japan, without her heirloom ring.
I asked Sophia to walk me through what happened, when the ring was lost. Sophia told me that after arriving at the location, on the beach, she proceeded to take off her footwear and socks. As she was taking her socks off, her grandmothers wedding ring, came off and flew into the sand and out of sight. The entire group had a good idea, of where the ring had landed and proceeded to visually and manually screen the sand. They would run their fingers through the sand and push the sand around, in the hopes of finding the ring. Once they realized this was not going to be fruitless, Sophia did a very smart thing. She took a beach blanket and laid it over the area she thought the ring had landed and that they had searched. The blanket provided protection, from people walking through the area, on this extremely busy beach day. Now, no one would step on the ring, pushing it deeper into the sand or even moving the ring out of the area.
Once Sophia removed the beach blanket, she gave me her grandmother’s engagement ring and I place it on top of the sand, ran my coil over it, so everyone in the group could see and hear how I find rings. It also helps me knowing what a matching ring will sound like and what I am looking for, on my detectors VDI screen. The engagement ring rang up with a very low sounding tone and a solid repeating 12-02 on the screen. I then threw a .925 Silver ring into the sand, so that the group could hear the different sound that the different metals make. They were impressed with how different the gold and silver ring sounded and I always like to show my clients, just how a metal detector works. It’s a win, win.
So, once the demonstration of the rings were concluded, I started the search for Sophia’s heirloom wedding ring. I had brought my CTX-3030 metal detector, with the 17” coil. This large coil covers a lot of beach and helps reduce the time needed to find the target. I started the search with my back to the dunes and I was facing the water. I started swinging my coil, side to side and not even 30 seconds had passed, when I received a beautiful sounding low tone, in my headphones. The VDI screen was reading 12-02, exactly as Sophia’s grandmother’s engagement ring. WOW, Same tone and VDI reading, to a matching ring, within 30 seconds, in the area the ring was lost. I turned to the group and told them “I think this is the ring”. I was that confident. I submerged my pin pointer into the sand and moved it around the area that my coil had detected the target. Once located, with the pin pointer, I grabbed a handful of sand, nothing. Grabbed another handful of sand and I felt a ring, held it up for everyone to see and all kinds of applause and clapping broke out, even from surrounding people, who didn’t even know Sophia or me. Sophia had a few tears running down her face and she was hugging her mother. She so emotionally relieved to have her grandmother’s ring back that I could see her trembling a little. Just a few moments earlier, Sophia wasn’t even sure if she would be going home to Japan, with the ring and now she has it back on her finger. It is so gratifying, to be able, to help such wonderful people like Sophia and her family reclaim such a precious piece of heirloom jewelry. No better feeling, in the world. Smiles on Cloud Nine, once again. 😁