newport metal detecting Tag | The Ring Finders

3 Rings Lost at Laguna Beach, CA. Found and Returned to Owner

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)



Call or text Stan the Metal Detector Man if you need a professional mobile metal detecting service… 949-500-2136

… Taylor called asking for help to find 4 rings that were lost in the sand at Laguna Beach, CA.  She had put them on the edge of her beach towel and forgot they were there when she picked up the towel.

Shortly after shaking the sand off the towel, she realized the silver rings had disappeared in the dry sand. After a couple hours of hand searching the sand and waiting to see if a metal detectorist may be on the beach, she had to leave.

It was already 9:30pm when we talked. Taylor was 50 miles away which made it difficult to meet me at the location. The directions she gave me were good enough for me to make a 6 mile drive to search for the rings that night.

Shortly after arriving I had three of the rings recovered. I did call Taylor to verify that there were 4 missing rings. She said there were 4 rings. Also she told me the three I found were the most important and she was happy that I called her.

After more than an hour in the small search area, I could not find the 4th ring. Frustrating, because it should have been there. Sometimes it’s difficult to end a search. It would be nice to know where that 4th ring was, but that’s not going to be possible this time.

It was my pleasure to get Taylor’s most important rings back to her..

Available to help you find your lost keepsake .. “I WILL TRY ANYWHERE”

Stan the Metal Detector Man … 949-500-2136