metal detecting service los angeles calif Tag | The Ring Finders

Irreplaceable Ring Lost in the Sand at Newport Beach, CA. .. Saved from the Beach Cleaning Machine

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)
















**** Travis and his girlfriend were at Newport Beach, CA. when his ring slipped off his finger into the dry sand. He bent down to retrieve it. His girlfriend, unaware what had happened saw an opportunity to tackle him while he was in a awkward position. Even though it was a small area they could not find his ring that evening.

Travis’s mother called me after finding my contact information online. She told me that Travis was driving back to the location from 40 miles away. She asked if I could meet him at the beach with my metal detector. She also added that this ring was very sentimental to Travis as it had belonged to his father that had past away recently.

When I met Travis and his girlfriend, we walked out to the beach where he had very good landmarks to get us close to the location of the loss. He had even paced off how many steps from the nearby trash receptacle. 

My heart sank as I we got close to the spot. I could see the dreaded path of the beach sifting machine which only does two passes of the towel line this time of the year. 

I began my search grid over the top of the beach cleaning machine’s path, hoping that I could find evidence that it left some metal trash. Sometimes they just set the machine to get surface trash. Not this time, I could not even find a pull tab. It was hard not to tell Travis that we were possibly too late to find his ring. The city’s maintenance crew boasts that this Beach King can sift items as small as a dime.

This time we were lucky, I expanded the grid search area and Boom!! just five feet outside the Beach King’s path there was Travis’s ring. It was meant to be. His very sentimental ring was not going to be lost forever. This was not the first time that I could have given up easily. It feels so good to know, if I stay positive and persistent we can have a successful search. I love doing this and seeing the happy results of returning a precious keepsake live Travis’s ring.


Stan the Metal Detector Man available to help you promptly..