lost wedding band found in Arlington Virginia Tag | The Ring Finders

Metal Detecting In-House Search for Arlington, VA Lost Diamond Wedding Band…Found

  • from Washington (District of Columbia, United States)

Lisa’s 14 karat White Gold Diamond Covered Wedding Band


I love doing In-House searches because there is always a new challenge with solving the mystery at hand! No two searches are ever the same, especially when a ring disappears in a home!

I received a phone call from Lisa of Arlington Virginia, who shared how she was perplexed with not knowing what happened to her wedding band that had disappeared in her Arlington home a few days before. She remembered taking off her wedding band upstairs in the master bathroom. When she returned to the bathroom the next morning to place the band back on her finger, the ring had vanished. She and her husband looked everywhere. She took everything out of her vanity and searched diligently to find her beloved wedding band. She checked the floors and then began checking other places in the home. Nothing turned up. When she exhausted every possibility as to where the ring may have ended up, she found The Ring Finder’s site and contacted me immediately.

On the phone, I asked Lisa every question imaginable, such as: When do you remember taking off the ring? Do you remember removing anything from the bathroom that might have had the ring inside of it or with it? Did you hear anything bounce on the bathroom floor? Were there any other people in the house, like a house cleaner, who may have placed it somewhere or accidentally knocked it off the vanity?

Lisa answered all of my questions and when the Q and A time was finished, she and her husband scheduled me to come over later that evening.

That night, I arrived in Arlington Virginia and began the in-house search. I started in the master bathroom where Lisa had last seen her diamond encircled wedding band. She was fantastic about letting me go through all the drawers in her vanity area in the bathroom and take out all of the different compartments in order to investigate every crevice of every to see if I could find the ring. I was beyond meticulous about not missing anything, just in case the ring landed in one of her very organized makeup sectionals. We ruled out the possibility that the ring had fallen into the sink drain hole because the stopper in the sink did not allow for the wedding band to fall down into the drain.

I searched the garbage can, the tile floor, I looked in the towel closet and in a second closet that was adjacent to where all of the linens and accessories were kept. Still no wedding band found. I even looked in the shower stall just in case the ring had bounced onto the floor and then bounced again into the shower area.

Once I finished concluding that the ring was nowhere to be found in the master bathroom, I continued in other rooms of the house, convinced that the ring must have ended up somewhere else outside of the parameter of the bathroom. “Why” and “How” would be the questions that would need to be answered over the course of the evening. I looked everywhere. Still, no ring was discovered. I continued to the next floor below and repeated my steps in each room to assure myself, Lisa and her husband Dan that we could eliminate more areas to search that were on my checklist. I couldn’t believe that I still had not found the treasured jewel on the third and second levels that I thoroughly investigated. This took me down to the first floor where the living room and kitchen area was located. It was the last level to check because she had never gone to the basement with the wedding band that seemed to have evaporated into thin air. So, it was clear that I could rule out any search down there.

Throughout my journey to uncover the missing keepsake, I used my in-house search equipment, which included my handheld metal detector, along with a small sniper coil on my regular detector. A detectorist is very limited to what you can do with a detector because of the quantity of metal that is found in sofas, floors and walls. The most important tools to use happen to be the use of the mind and of the eyes. One must think clearly in regards to all of the possibilities of what could have happened to the piece of jewelry and to look very carefully as to where it may have hid itself.

Lisa’s White Gold Diamond Covered Wedding Band Sparkles Brilliantly

Once I finished searching the vestibule, half bathroom, the dining room, living room (all of the sofas, chairs, air vents and area rugs), the kitchen was the last room to search. I was pretty confident that I had not missed anything. If there were no other possibilities as to what happened to the disappearing ring, it would have been found long before I arrived at the scene! These In-House searches are usually not so simple to solve. They require much deduction, thinking outside of the box of reason and it takes patience and confidence to figure out what may have happened to the ring.

As Lisa’s husband Dan was preparing the evening supper, I requested permission to search the final room – the kitchen. If it was not in there, I would have no more places to check and I would have to call it quits for the night. I had already conducted a three and a half hour search at that point. Dan gave me the go-ahead to look under the stove, refrigerator and any other places that had cracks or gaps where the ring could have rolled or slid under. This also included the lovely kitchen island where Dan was preparing a delicious gourmet meal for two. Once I looked everywhere in the kitchen, every spot was clear of the potential of hiding that stubborn “ring of ice”.

At this point, there was only one place left that had gone unchecked, and that was the kitchen trash can. I knew that if it was not in there, I would have completely run out of options. I asked Lisa if I could look through the garbage, piece by piece, to see if the ring had ended up in there. She deferred to her husband who was just about to finish all the preparations for their dinner. Dan politely and respectfully declined giving me permission to allow me to conduct the search. This family was very private, and just like many Washingtonians (people who live in DC, and the suburbs of Maryland and Virginia) there are limitations to how much someone will permit you into their private world. It is completely understandable. Dan felt uncomfortable allowing me to look through their trash, and so I suggested that the two of them look through the bag upon finishing their evening meal. I completed my suggestion by asking them whether or not the trash had been taken out ever since Lisa had lost her ring. Their response was that it was not taken out to the garage and not given over to the garbage truck quite yet. But the truck would be coming in the morning and they planned to have the garbage bags taken away first thing in the morning. This included the kitchen bag of garbage.

I pleaded with both of them to make certain to go through the garbage because it was quite possible that the wedding band had been placed by accident in the garbage. It was my only explanation for the disappearance of the ring since I had not discovered it in any of the other rooms.

I may have said something that caused Lisa to talk things over with Dan because moments later, she asked if I would excuse myself from the kitchen so they could talk things over privately. I was happy to do so and after a short while I was called back over and Dan gave the go-ahead for me to go through the trash. I was happy for their decision because if they didn’t check the garbage before taking it out to the curb, their last attempt to find Lisa’s ring would have gone out the window and we would have never known if it could have possibly found its way in the bag.

Immediately I went to the car to grab my rubber gloves and started back to the kitchen where I took a hold of the white garbage bag and headed out to the rear patio.

I knelt down on the brick laid surface, in front of the bag, and piece by piece I removed the rubbish. Sometimes I get the question from people as to what I may be thinking when I’m almost done with all of my searching and it comes down to one last place to search. Many times I stay quite hopeful that a miracle will take place and that I will defeat the odds at the “11:59th position” on the clock. In all honesty, I am wishing for a fairy tale ending. What I was doing in the back of the house was my “Hail Mary” attempt. It was the last play of the game, so to speak.

Lisa Excitedly Shows Off Her Once-Gone-Missing Wedding Band!

I kept going through the trash, removing food scraps and random items that came from places throughout the house. I had a separate bag to discard the miscellaneous garbage, and soon I had just about filled the empty bag with everything that was in the trash bag that was under the kitchen sink. Then, just as there was almost nothing left to look through, I emptied a small plastic transparent bag that had miscellaneous throw-away items that were not food related. The contents fell to the bottom of the near empty bag and there before my eyes, with the search headlamp blazing towards the plastic, I thought I saw something sparkle brilliantly towards the very bottom. I reached farther in to grab it out and there it was! The missing ring! Lisa’s beautiful wedding band! Her diamond covered wedding band was in there all along and I found it! It turned out that I made the right call in asking the couple to allow me to check the garbage! Apparently, the wedding band had been accidentally discarded along with some other master bathroom throw-away items that were in the transparent baggy! The ring was probably in her hand and she didn’t realize that it got dropped in the same bag along with the other trash! And had I not pointed out the necessity of checking our last option to find the ring (which was the kitchen trash can), that wedding band, full of white gold and diamonds, would have been put out on the curb the following morning, and picked up by the garbage truck where it would be taxied to the central city dump! Incredible! I was elated! All of the feelings that I experienced at that moment, as I stared at the ring that I had been looking for over the course of many hours, gave me an amazing rush! I was even surprised that I had found it with that final option to search the can! It just blew me away! It brings so much gratification to my heart to be able to find something missing such as this! And to give a suggestion as to where it might have ended up and then it turns out to be correct, it’s such a great feeling!


I consolidated all of the trash into one bag and headed for the rear door of the house just feet from where I was searching. I knocked on the door and Lisa opened it up and she immediately asked if I had any luck finding her precious and priceless piece of jewelry. I couldn’t wait to tell her the news!

If you want to know what I said and what her reaction was, stay tuned for my upcoming video to share the awesome reveal! See my YouTube channel link below to subscribe and get the latest search videos including the one that you just read about! Make sure you elect to receive notifications of all new videos so you will know when this story is uploaded on the YouTube channel.

Because of the quantity of searches that have taken place this past summer, I am trying hard to catch up with all of my articles and videos. Please subscribe to my channel: THE RING RETURNER and I assure you that the video to this story will be up very soon. I will be catching up with all of my stories over the next month or two.

The article above is a perfect example of how we should never give up. It reminds us that there is always an explanation as to how the item disappeared, and that we must never disregard searching the most unlikely places. We should never doubt or pass up looking at the last and final location where the ring may have ended up, because it might very well be right there, just waiting for us to find it! Just waiting for it to be returned to its owner from an unlikely search spot like the kitchen garbage can!


If you would like to watch the SEARCH VIDEO and RING REVEAL pertaining to this story, the YOUTUBE link will be provided shortly. To receive the notification letting you know when the video is uploaded to YOUTUBE, feel free to SUBSCRIBE to BRIAN’S YOUTUBE CHANNEL by typing: THE RING RETURNER.