#Lost Gold Ring Moreno Valley Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost Gold Wedding Band in the Fall Leaves of Moreno Valley, CA – Found!

  • from Corona (California, United States)

Don’t Wear Your Rings Gardening!

I received a call from Andrea who was quite upset. Andrea said she had been clearing the Fall leaves and weeds from around a bush in her front yard when she said she felt like one of her rings fell off. She checked, and her gold band had fallen off, but her other wedding ring stayed on. So she stopped right away and tried finding the band, with no luck. Andrea said she went online and found me on The Ringfinders website.
I drove out to her house and she pointed out the area where she had been working. I checked that area with my metal detector and Pinpointer but only came up with trash signals. We went through all the leaves and branches that she had put in a large plastic trash can, which was filled to the top. Still nothing.
I went back to the area she pointed out and checked a different spot and immediately got a strong signal. After clearing about two inches of leaves away, there was her gold band.
Needless to say, Andrea was very excited that I had found her ring in less than a half hour, and gave me a big hug! Another great call-out and recovery!