# Kennebunkport Metal Detector Rental Tag | The Ring Finders

Gold Signet Ring Lost In The Portland, Maine Snow. Found With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

On Monday evening, February 17th, 2025, I received the following voicemail transcription.

“Hey how you doing. My name is Ethan M***. I got your number off of Facebook, for the finding thing you do. I am just calling to see if I can get your help I just lost my ring in the snow and can you call me back at 910-***-****, thank you…”

I immediately called Ethan back and he explained that he was shoveling his driveway, when he slipped on a patch of ice and fell to the ground, hard. As he was falling, he could feel his ring coming off, he thinks. Everything happened so fast and he was bracing himself for impact, but he thinks he felt the ring coming off.
Thankfully, he was not injured, in the fall. Once he had composed himself he searched for his ring, in the driveway and immediate area, without any luck. The snow was deep, on each side of the driveway and mostly hard packed snow and ice, in the driveway itself. After not locating the ring, Ethan went inside and called me for help. He told me that the ring was not his wedding ring, but a very special Signet Ring, that was a gift from his wife and is extremely sentimental.
As fate would have it, I had a Physical Therapy appointment at Orthopedic Associates, in Portland, Maine at 8:30am, the next morning and it was only 10-15 minutes, from where Ethan lived, in Portland Maine . I told Ethan that I could arrive at his home at 7:00am, before he left for work and he could go over the events, just prior, to losing his Signet ring. I would be able to search for an hour, before I had to leave for my PT appointment. If I wasn’t able to cover the entire area and find the ring , prior to leaving, I would return immediately after my PT session had ended.
I arrived at Ethan’s home at 6:50am and was promptly met by Ethan. He showed me where he was, in the driveway, when he slipped and fell, on the ice. Ethan also told me that he thought the ring would have flown off directly in front or behind him, into the snow.
I decided to start out near the street, searching the driveway and snow along the driveway, including the area in front of Ethan, where he thought the ring may be. Absolutely nothing.
I then turned around and went down the other side of the driveway, searching both the driveway and snowbank, along the driveway. No Signet ring was found. Once I had ended up back at the street , I searched the snowbanks at the end of the driveway and still no ring. At this point, Ethan needed to leave for work. If I found the ring, I could give it to his wife, who was inside, getting ready for work.
After Ethan left, I kept expanding the search area. I got up in the deep snow of the lawn, in front of the house and still no signals. I then went to the other side of the driveway and searched that lawn and into a thick bush, as best I could. Still no ring. I then researched the entire area and still nothing. Thankfully it is a small area and it wasn’t taking me long to cover the areas Ethan thought the ring was in.
I then decided to search the walkway leading up to their front door. Still no ring. As I was heading back towards the driveway, I decided to search as close to the parked car as I could but couldn’t get very close to it, because all the metal kept setting my detector off. I decided to just swing the coil very slowly, and as close to the vehicle as possible. I was still getting some targets but it was always the car setting the detector off. As I tried one last time, I did get a separate signal, aside from the car. It was definitely a non ferrous target but the conductivity reading on the VDI screen was 55. A much higher reading than I would expect for gold. Gold is considered a low conductor and the reading is usually in the 03 to low 30’s. Since it was such a good sounding target and definitely non ferrous, I just had to check it out. I took my pinpointer, scraped the snow down and then I saw the outline of a Gold Ring. I had found Ethan’s Signet Ring. It had taken me approximately 50 minutes and with the temperature at -2 degrees, with the wind chill, I was ready to leave. My feet and fingers were freezing and the warmth of the car was calling me.

I knocked on the front door and Ethan’s wife answered. I showed her the Signet Ring and she was so pleased. She told me Ethan had been very distressed all night, wanting to find his gifted ring very badly. I told his wife I would send some photos of the ring to Ryan, at work, so he could stop worrying.
I sent two photos of the ring and the following message, to Ethan, at work.

“How does it feel to have your ring back”?
Ethan replied
“You are a life saver!!!!”
I told him that his wife was now in possession of his very special ring and asked if he could have a picture taken, with him holding the ring. He quickly agreed and said he would send it to me, when he returned home, this evening. It is always such a great feeling and pleasure to be able to help people like Ethan out in their time of need. I love putting another smile, in my “Book of Smiles”.

Ethan later, in the evening , sent me the following text message .
“Thank you for all of your help, definitely a weight off the shoulders”. How can I not feel good, after a text like this.

It was also a great feeling to get into a warm vehicle. I’ve had enough of the cold and snow. Bring on the spring 🌻🌸❤️

Gold Wedding Ring, Lost For 42 Years, Found With A Metal Detector and Returned To The Owner, In Saco, Maine

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

This story started 42 years ago, when a Gold Wedding Ring was lost.

I purchased and have been living, in my current home since 1993 or 31+ years ago. The home, in Saco, Maine was built in 1893 and as you can imagine, there are lots of metal objects, in the ground. This is especially true because the previous two owners, of my home, were both plumbers. When I took up Metal Detecting 25 years ago, I quickly found out, just how much plumbing metal and other pieces of metal were there. I had been hoping to find lots of old coins and other cool stuff, on the property. Reality set in when I started detecting around the property. I can’t tell you how many pieces of small, cut, pieces of copper piping, I have found over the years. I have also found lots of solder, vintage bottles caps, from the 1950 and 60’s and various other pieces of metal. It’s always been a tough property to Metal Detect on, because of all the metal, in the ground. As the years passed, and I would remove the different metals, from the ground, the older coins, did appear, along with the modern day clad and yes, a few cool items. As I upgraded my Metal Detecting equipment, I would always take it out on the property and test it out, to learn the machine.
Fast forward to August , 2024. I had recently purchased a new Minelab Manticore Metal detector and wanted to start learning all the features, on the machine. One of the features I was most interested in was “Target Separation “. Target separation on the Manticore is supposed to show you, on the VDI screen, both Ferrous and Non Ferrous targets . The good targets (Non Ferrous) would show up along a center line and the not so good targets (Ferrous) would show above and or below the center line. Even though other machines have target separation the Manticore was using the latest technology, so that us detectorists could better see, what is actually under the coil and make better decisions, as to dig the item or not and also see a good target, within all the bad targets. In the past, the Ferrous targets may have “masked” the Non Ferrous targets and we wouldn’t even know there was a Non Ferrous item, among the Ferrous items, unless you dug the ferrous targets . As I started swinging the Manticore, I was receiving many, many targets. The VDI screen would show me all the targets, most above or below the center line and occasionally, right on the center line. I was digging every thing so I could understand what the item was, in relation to where it was on the screen. As it turns out, the Manticore was being extremely accurate. If a target was on the center line, it would turn out to be a non ferrous item, such as a coin. The targets above and below the center line, turned out to be ferrous, usually a nail or something. But what I really loved was that I could now see that there was a Non Ferrous item, mixed in with the ferrous items. This was very exciting for me.
So, on September 1st, 2024, I took the Manticore out into the yard, once again. I was getting more and more comfortable but had a 1/2 hour to kill, so let’s go learn the machine, even more. I was detecting on my side lawn, where I had detected 100 times, over the years. I have found Barber Dimes and Quarters, Mercury Dimes, Washington Silver Quarters and Roosevelt Silver Dimes, in this yard, along with Buffalo Nickels and a countless number of Wheat Pennies. I know there are more there, maybe deeper or being masked by a more dominant Ferrous item. After about 10 minutes of detecting, I received a mixed signal, showing many ferrous items and one non ferrous item, a perfectly round circle, on the center line. I grabbed my digging trowel and cut a plug, in the grass and removed it. I didn’t see anything and used my pinpointer, to locate the target. I removed a little more dirt and I could see, what looked like the outline of a gold ring. I brushed some more dirt off the target and, YES, it was a gold ring. I took it out of the soil and yelled to my wife, Cheryl, who was sitting on the porch. Cheryl came out and couldn’t believe I had found a gold ring, right in our own yard. We could see that there was an inscription on the inside the ring, that contained both letters and numbers. As Cheryl started cleaning the dirt, out of the inside the ring, the inscription read, “W.D.C. 8-15-81”. As soon as I saw this, I told Cheryl that “I know who this ring belongs to. It has to belong to Bill C*******”. There’s no way, it could be anyone else’s.
Now remember the two previous owners that I had mentioned. Well, the first of the plumbers raised his family here and his children went to the same Saco schools as I had, growing up, including our high school, Thornton Academy. As a matter of fact Bill, graduated just a year after me. I graduated in 1974 and Bill in 1975. We played Saco Little League together and over the years had even been in his house a few times. So I immediately think the W.D.C. is Bill and after graduating from Thornton Academy , he was married a little over 6 years later, in 1981. It all made sense. I just knew it had to be Bill’s.
I hadn’t seen Bill in many years, so I started contacting some of his classmates, to see if they had his phone number. Once I got his number, I called Bill. After a little chit chat, I asked Bill if he had ever lost a ring. I didn’t tell him anything about a location and Bill immediately answers that he had lost his wedding ring, at his mother’s house, years and years ago. I told Bill, “Well, I just found your ring, metal detecting, in the yard”. Bill just couldn’t believe it and let out a joyful laugh. We then agreed that the next time, Bill was in Saco, he would come over and I would return his ring.

A few weeks later, Bill texted me and we made plans to meet up at his boyhood home, the next day, September 22, 2024 and I would return his wedding ring, to him. I also plan to show him the exact spot , I had found his ring, 42 years after he had lost it
So this afternoon Bill stopped by and I was extremely happy to return his ring. When I asked Bill the story of him losing his wedding ring, he told me the following. Bill had graduated college and had been teaching school, in the Saint John, U.S. Virgin Islands. Bill had gotten married, in the Virgin Islands in 1981, while teaching school there and had also purchased his Gold Wedding Ring there. Bill and his wife, then moved back to Maine and back into his childhood home, with his mother, until they could get their own place. One day, Bill had gotten on the pull up bar, in the garage , as he had done, many times over the years. Bill normally would remove his ring and place it on top of the pull up bar, so he wouldn’t damage it, while doing his pull ups. This time however, he thinks he placed it in his shirt pocket and forgot about it. The ring then, somehow, ended up on the lawn. It was so long ago that Bill isn’t certain how it ended up out there, on the lawn, after he had gotten off the pull up bar. Forty two years later, Bill is holding his wedding ring, on the exact spot I found it. Full circle. It was great to see Bill and catch up. I am just so happy to be helping people, like Bill get reunited with their lost items. Sometimes it just takes a little longer to find the lost item.