Lost Gold/Titanium Wedding Ring Found in Harpers Ferry, West Virginia Garden
It’s always such a pleasure to be able to bring joy to someone during the Holidays and this is just one of those stories. I received a call from Scott who had lost his treasured wedding band while out in his garden during the Thanksgiving weekend. Scott was setting up some wire fencing and moving leaves around and realized he had lost his wedding ring. He thought he felt it come off and looked in the area where he believed the ring should be, but unfortunately he couldn’t locate the ring. While continuing to look at little longer Scott recalled seeing an article about a ring finder (theringfinders) who had recovered a lost piece of jewelry for an actor. He located theRingFinders website and subsequently gave me a call. We made arrangements for me to meet up with him the next day.
Scott lives in the dense hills south of Harpers Ferry and Charles Town West Virginia. The trip was a beautiful 45 minute drive through some very scenic West Virginia country and at one point even my GPS was so confused I had to call Scott to guide me through the rest of the trip to get to his home.
Upon arriving I met with Scott and his wife, who showed me the garden area to the right of the house where he’d been working the day before. We chatted for a few minutes and then I got to work. There was some fencing pretty close together in the tight garden as well as several bushes which limited my ability to use the standard detector as I had limited swing. I soon realized I was going to have to do this on my knees with my Garrett detector probe if I was going to have any chance of finding the ring. After moving some of the surface leaves away I started by searching across several areas, inside the bushes near the trunks, across a few small garden step areas…and within just a few moments the probe started buzzing and chiming and I knew that strong sound!! Scott’s ring was hidden just under a large pile of leaves right where he thought he had lost it.


Gold Titanium ring found!
I excitedly sent Scott a text with the picture of his ring and immediately his wife was out on the back upper deck asking “You found it!!?” …at which I held the ring in the air!!
It would have been a disappointing memory to have lost your wedding ring during the Thanksgiving holiday and never to have found it. It was great pleasure to recovery Scott’s ring for him during this special Holiday and to see the happiness and smiles it brought to both him and his wife. God Bless and Happy Hunting!