Feel good stories Tag | The Ring Finders

Found & Returned 24 karat Gold Ring/Virginia Beach

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I’ve been driving across America for the last two months shooting my doc-u series on my members and people they have helped. I’m in Virginia Beach now with the gig master Steven Andrews. We get up early one morning to go search the beach after the ”BeachIt” Country music festival but we were asked to leave the area for safety reasons. So we started down the beach a little bit and I found a beautiful 24 karat gold ring with a heart on it. Someone came up and told me the guy over there who was detecting was looking for a ring. I caught up to him and he told me an East Indian lady had lost a gold ring, and he was looking for it.

I asked, did you know where she lived? He said no I think she was staying in a hotel here and she may be coming back to the beach later. I asked if he saw her to please tell her to call TheRingFinders, I may have found her ring.

My friend Steven Andrews and I headed up the beach and two hours later Steven got the call we were hoping for… It was the lady who had lost the ring, she described it perfectly, we met up with her and we’re happy to give her ring back.

This is my first recovery for someone on my trip and it felt so good to hand back that beautiful ring and see her smile… A big THANK YOU!! to the Detectorist who saw her and told her to call TheRingFinders.



Vancouver Ring Finder Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463