Bilmar Tag | The Ring Finders

Treasure Island Engagement Ring Lost and Recovered

On May 23rd 2015 my wife Lauren was out in the gulf playing catch with a football with some family that had came to visit from Detroit , Michigan (our home town)

Lauren caught a pass and we heard her say “oh no! My ring!” We instantly swim toward her and started searching . After hours of looking for the ring, a storm came in and forced us to post pone our search until the next day.

I posted an ad on Craigslist about how I lost the ring in the water and if anyone finds it , please get in contact with me. It was only after 20 minutes of posting my ad , Stan Flack had replied to my email and offered to help me look for the ring. He called me and we set the arrangement to meet at the Bilmar Beach resort where the ring was lost.

Stan said he would be there at 4:00 pm and he was already in the water when I got there at 4:01pm. After 30 minutes of searching the water, a storm started to roll in with thunder and lightning … I was nervously watching him search for the ring as I knew we were running out of time… Next thing I know it Stan digs into the sandy ocean floor, turns around and yells “John, I found your ring!” My jaw dropped and heart felt like it stopped beating. It felt as if I was in a dream. I run out to the spot where Stan found the ring and give the the biggest hug I could possibly give. I will never forget this day and I am so grateful for you and your help. My wife is thrilled to have it back on her finger… And I owe that all to Stan Flack.

I will never be able to thank you enough!!!!


Much love and gratitude ,


Stan 4 Stan 2