Cartier Watch Lost in Sand Found and Returned by Newport Beach Ringfinder

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Stan the Metal Detector Man is available to help you find your lost sentimental item. Call or text 24/7 for assistance including information on how to find your lost metallic keepsake. Stan ..949-500-2136

*** I love it when a friend or relative calls me asking for help to find their friend’s lost sentimental item. It happens more than I ever expected. Christine’s mother called me asking for help to find her daughter’s Cartier watch that could be in the sand near a volleyball court. She told me that her daughter had been watching a volleyball game on the sand at Newport Beach, CA. 

The loss happened three days before calling me and her daughter didn’t realize the ring was missing until later that evening. This watch was very sentimental to her and she was devastated. Considering the length of time since the loss and how many other places she had been before discovering the watch was lost, I told her mother I could grid search the beach area. At least, when I finish, I could say it was not there. Although, I did think there was a strong possibility the watch could be there, I did not want to give them false hope.

There was no need for them to meet me at the location, because they gave me good directions and provided me with a few photos. After an hour of grid searching, I found the watch. I called them and sent a photo of the watch. We met that afternoon to give it to her mother, who had not told Christine. She was going to surprise Christine that evening.

Metal detecting is my passion Metal detector is the best tool find jewelry in sand, dirt, grass or water. I offer my experience to help you. “I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “

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