Lost Cellphone at the Wedge in Newport Beach, CA. .. Found and Returned

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

If you lose a piece of jewelry in the surf call Stan the Metal Detector Man .. It’s not lost forever. Call or Text 949-500-2136 .. Also you can email .. stan@metaldetectorman.com .. timing is important so call or text is preferred.

*** Zack was on the beach near the Wedge in Newport Beach, CA. He and his girlfriend took a late night walk, when his girl friend saw a shell she wanted him to pick out of the surf. He waited for the wave to recede and when he bent over to pick it up his cellphone dropped into the wet sand. The next wave totally covered the phone. 

Zack called me after finding my contact information online. It was 11:30pm . I looked at the tide chart determining that the phone was lost at peak high tide. If the beach didn’t have much slope, there was a good chance to find it. 

Cellphones can be difficult to find on some of our beaches, but I was willing to give this one a search. Even though Zack couldn’t meet me, I know that beach well and I left to search before the next higher came.

After an hour with no success I returned home. 

The next morning I went back finding the phone within feet of my grid search that night. Night searches are successful but it is difficult to keep a straight line while trying to do a grid search.

The next thing was to get the phone back to Zack. He lives 40 miles away. We arranged for me to give it to his friend who worked a couple miles from my place.

Stan the Metal Detector Man is ready to help you now. Call for information or help to find your lost keepsake.. Stan 949-500-2136 … “I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “

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