Diamond Ring Lost Throwing Leaves Off Balcony.. Found with Metal Detector

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)


I Can Help You … Call or Text  ..Stan the Metal Detector Man .. 949-500-2136

*** Jeanny  had been on her second floor balcony when she saw a couple leaves on a patio table. She grabbed the small leaves and threw them over the side of the balcony. The action of throwing the leaves caused her gold diamond ring to come off her finger. She went down to search the ivy landscaping immediately after the loss occurred but the ring was not visible. Then she asked the gardener to look for the ring, he also had no luck finding her precious ring.

That evening Jeanny was able to find my contact information with a google search online. I made the trip the next morning and was unable to find her ring. There was a possibility that the ring could have landed on her neighbor’s balcony on the first floor. We had no access to the first floor balcony. Also there was a possibility that I could have dislodged the ring if it had been in her balcony planter. ( I should have searched that planter first ).. 

I felt that I had done a 90% search of the ivy garden. There was still a good possibility that the ring was on the first floor balcony as it had a larger planter that could hide a ring. She called me the next morning after getting access to the first floor balcony. I made the 40 mile drive just to feel good that I had exhausted all the possible areas that could be searched. 

The lower balcony planter did not reveal the ring. I then proceeded to re-check the first 20 ft of the ivy garden area. Then as I was positive the those areas were clear, I went across the side walk more than 35 ft. away from the building. A small planter area on the opposite side of the side walk. There, sparkling in the morning sunlight was the beautiful gold diamond ring. Unbelievable that it went that far. I’m learning that rings seem to go farther that expected when they are lost from balconies or down a sloping hillside.. Never give up, search outside the box,

Available to accept your call or text Now .. I will try anywhere .. Stan  949-500-2136

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